Friday, October 18, 2019

SEA Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

SEA Statement - Essay Example Although the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 (the Act) has now come into force, the first preparatory act of the Draft Strategy was undertaken prior to commencement of the Act, and therefore the SEA has been undertaken in accordance with the Regulations and not the Act. Strategic Environmental Assessment, "a systematic method for considering the likely environmental effects of plans, programmes and strategies, during their development" (Walker, May 2007, p.1), aims decision-making after integrating environmental factors, environmental protection improving plans and participation of common people. Moreover, a formal consultation concerning SEA process is being undertaken. The utmost criteria of the SEA process: "[s]coping Report sent to Consultation Authorities in October 2006 and Final Strategy and Post adoption SEA Statement" (The Scottish Government, 2008). The Dublin City Council made a study in quest of available scopes for developing a new major water source for the Greater Dublin Area in 2005 and the council adopted the findings found by the SEA after considering ER and stakeholder issues. SEA Directive was transposed in England to carry out strategic environmental assessment for transport plans and programmes in England following requirements set by SEA which integrates the Directive's requirements with existing transport appraisal processes. Basically the objective of the SEA Directive is described by Article 1: "the SEA Directive is to provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans ... with a view to promoting sustainable development." (TAG, December 2004) Guidance thus can be mentioned that SEA has been securing new plans for transportation which will include the transport plans, and now, centralised to local plan implementation for transplantation. Again, the guidance is not willing to be used as a law rather provides a "basis for understanding SEA, but is no substitute for giving

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