Friday, May 31, 2019
The Great American Desert :: Edward Abbey Desert Survival Essays
The Great American DesertIn the article, The Great American Desert, Edward Abbey (1977) is trying to convince the general semipublic that the ravage is not a place for humans to explore. He talks a lot about the dangers of the desert and tries to convince the readers that the desert is not worthy wasting your time and going and visiting. I disagree with Abbey. Anyone who has both(prenominal) knowledge about the desert and takes a class or is accompanied by an skilled who knows a lot about the desert should be able to venture out in the many great American deserts.Abbeys first survival breaking wind to the desert is, stay out of there. Dont go. Stay home and read a good book.(p. 204) What fun is staying home if peck have the risk to go and explore the desert? Getting a hands on experience and being able to explore the desert in real life story is more educating than sitting at home reading a dull book on the desert. David Alloway (1999) once said, the historical fact i s however, that the human race was cradled in arid lands and people are well adapted to survive in deserts.( 1) Alloway is a teacher at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and he teaches a desert survival class. His class philosophy is not to fight the desert, but to become part of its ecosystem.( 1) So the first hint or suggestion before you onrush to go into the desert is being prepared.Being prepared before someone enters the desert should be their number one priority. First off Alloway said people need to have a hat with a wide brim and closed crown so it will protect your head and face from sunlight. Next, moil loose fitting long sleeves and pants so that air can be circulated easy. Sunglasses that exclude ultra-violet light are a necessity to support prevent cataracts later on in life. Some other areas of preparation are carrying sufficient amounts of water, first aid and survival kit for the desert environments, and some useful knowledge. ( 2) These are the major t hings needed in the preparations of going on and exploration in the desert.The next point Abbey tried to make was about the touch-and-go animals out in the desert that put a threat to a person life.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
truth within experience Essay -- essays research papers
Truth Within ExperimentsMilgram and Asch informs about obedience are different. In Milgrims report he was trying to say that people will do something to the extreme even if they are hurting someone or something. The experiment he mulish to construct shows just that. His experiment shows that will power can go a long way. Aschs reported experiment showed that people can be easily influenced by a group of people. And if the one person feels alone in a group situation the majority is correct. Social pressure is the factor out in this case. The basic question in Milgrams report comes down to who are we and should we obey when it interferes with our conscience? Based on his writing about what he learned in his experiment average people learned more about themselves and how much will power they had. On the other hand, Asch hoped to learn the finish of peer pressure. Will a group of people alter the thinking of one individual? He states that the tests also illustrate a new anatomy of attack on the problem and some of the more subtle questions that it raises ( 307). Each psychologist designed their own unique experiment to study and research the answers to their questions. Migrams outgrowth experiment consists of two people in a laboratory. The learner is sent to a room and is strapped into an electric chair. He is also told he is to listen to a list of paired words to remember and if he gets them...
View of humanity ( The Time Machine by H.G. Wells :: essays research papers
H.G. WellsThe cadence MachineMischel Figusch Englisch-LK Jg. 13The view of humanity in The Time Machine-Essay This essay is about the view of humanity that arises from The Time MachineIt includes the TTs speeches and his theories about how the Eloi and the Morlocks came to be. It also shows that Wells haunts at critical aspects on company.The first hints at Wells political attitude are already noticeable in the beginning of the novel To discover a society, said I, erected on a strictly communistic basis.(page 10, line 19)By the example of Eloi and Morlocks, he warns of Capitalism and its consequences to mankind. This vision which is presented in The Time Machine shows or rather forecasts the results of the social split between the leisurely wealthy upper class and the working class, especially in the Victorian England. The increasing development of the department between upper and lower class will lead into a big disaster in further future. The intelligence of the human species is going to be at an unthinkable minimum. All achievements in culture, technology and knowledge will be vanished. You see I had always anticipated that the people of the year octonary Hundred and Two Thousand odd would be incredibly in front of us in knowledge, art, everything. Then one of them suddenly asked me a scruple that showed him to be on the intellectual level of one of our five-year-old children-- asked me, in fact, if I had come from the sun in a thunderstorm (page 38, line 4 11)The former for this devolutionary evolution is the non-existence of the necessity to learn more, or rather to use the learned or skilled things. Knowledge and accordingly advancement of knowledge hasnt got a meaning anymore. In one of his former theories, the TT assumes that the Morlocks, the inferior race (at this point in time) which lives in the underworld, are the direct outcome of Englands East-end worker, who already live in such artificial conditions as practically to be cut off from th e natural surface of the earth. (page 77, line 17)The Time Machine fanny be seen as Wellss socialist warning of what will befall humanity if capitalism continues to exploit worker for the benefits of the rich.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analyse the Opening Chapter of Great Expectations :: Great Expectations Essays
Analyse the opening chapter of bully ExpectationsThe power Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations as a series ofinstalments, which thence put together and turned into a novel. It hasbeen written in first person narrative, which is good because you getto know pip very well. My expectations of the opening chapter ofGreat Expectations Where far from what I experienced when weactually read the book. It was also set in the oldishen days. By the endof the story I found it sort of entertaining. In the first paragraph weexpect to be introduced to the plot, characters and the setting.In this first chapter Pip meets the convict up on the graveyard, whichis the highlight of the chapter. The convict scars pip into bringhim whittles which means necessary same food and drinks. The convictalso gets pip to bring him a file because pip mentions that hisbrother in law is a blacksmith. Pip is scared of the convict becauseof the language he uses keep still you little devil or ill cut yourethroat . When a alarming man, all in course grey, with an iron on hisleg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes and with an old rag tiedround his head. A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered inmud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, andtorn by briars who limped, and shivered and he glared and growledand whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chinsays that to a young child we believe to be about 11 14 years oldPip is going to do everything he is asked to do and exactly when hesays it.The first character to be introduced was Pip. In the first paragraphhe introduces himself and tells us that his fathers name was Pirripand his Christian name is Philip so he mixed the two names togetherand came up with Pip. His mother and father died before he canremember them and there was no such thing as photos in those days sothey do not know what they look like or what they are like to talk toand get on with. Pip got introduced first because he i s the maincharacter. The other character we meet in this chapter is the convict.The author gives the convict an animal imagery when he ate the breadravenously. Pips character is polite and he speaks to the convict whois threatening his life using words like kindly recreate to let me keep
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Privatization of Social Services Essay -- Public Policy Management
The Benefits of Privatization of Social ServicesContracting out is the process through which public organizations hack with private sector organizations to set aside services normally provided by public agencies. It is a form of privatization, which is defined as any shift of activity or functions from the state to the private sector, more specifically, the shift of production of goods or services from public to private. (Starr, 5) Privatization reduces the role of government and increases the role of private sector agencies. However, public agencies defend ultimate control over the provision of services and they control government funding. In an effort to reduce costs, enhance efficiency or improve services, legion(predicate) states have started privatizing or contracting out many of their social service programs. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity rapprochement Act of 1996 greatly influenced agencies to look for contracting out as a means of delivering serv ices. Privatization is not a new concept for social services, however, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act gives states more flexibility to administer TANF and other related services. (Yates, 1)The County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Social Services is one such organization that is seeking to provide effective, efficient services while meeting the mandates of welfare reform regulations. CalWORKS (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) GAIN Division (Greater Avenues for Independence) is responsible for providing Welfare-to-Work services to Temporary charge for Needy Families (TANF) (formerly known as AFDC) recipients. Welfare reform time limits have made it necessary for the organization to becom... ...wn Author. The Growing Cost of Contracting Out. net profit http//, F. Howard. Analyzing the Cost of Contracting Out. network http// htmNightingale, Demetra Smith and Pinus, Nancy. Privatization of Public Social Services A Background Paper. 1997. net income http//, Paul. The Meaning of Privatization. Internet http// States Government Accounting Office. Social Service Privatization. Internet GAO/HEHS-98-6, October 1997.Yates, Jessica. Managing the Contracting Out Process for Results in Welfare Reform. Internet http//, Jessica. Privatization and Welfare Reform. Internet http//
Privatization of Social Services Essay -- Public Policy Management
The Benefits of Privatization of neighborly ServicesContracting out is the process through which public organizations contract with private sector organizations to provide services normally provided by public agencies. It is a form of privatization, which is defined as any shift of activity or functions from the state to the private sector, more specifically, the shift of production of goods or services from public to private. (Starr, 5) Privatization reduces the role of government and increases the role of private sector agencies. However, public agencies maintain ultimate get a line over the provision of services and they control government funding. In an effort to reduce costs, enhance efficiency or improve services, many states have started privatizing or contracting out many of their amicable service programs. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 greatly influenced agencies to explore contracting out as a means of delivering servic es. Privatization is not a new concept for social services, however, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act gives states more flexibility to administer TANF and other tie in services. (Yates, 1)The County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Social Services is one such organization that is seeking to provide effective, efficient services while meeting the mandates of welfare crystallize regulations. CalWORKS (California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids) GAIN Division (Greater Avenues for Independence) is responsible for providing Welfare-to-Work services to Temporary Aid for Needy Families (TANF) (formerly known as AFDC) recipients. Welfare reform clock time limits have made it necessary for the organization to becom... ...wn Author. The Growing Cost of Contracting Out. Internet http//, F. Howard. Analyzing the Cost of Contracting Out. Internet http// research/reports/private/cont manu.htmNightingale, Demetra Smith and Pinus, Nancy. Privatization of Public Social Services A Background Paper. 1997. Internet http//, Paul. The Meaning of Privatization. Internet http// States Government Accounting Office. Social Service Privatization. Internet GAO/HEHS-98-6, October 1997.Yates, Jessica. Managing the Contracting Out Process for Results in Welfare Reform. Internet http//, Jessica. Privatization and Welfare Reform. Internet http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
American Racial Discriminations against Middle Easterners and the effect it has on Middle Easterners since 911
midpoint easterlys is non just a race residing in several countries around the world it has evolved to shew different semantic meanings as to the term of people born in the Middle Eastern culture and sort of life story. (Wikipedia) The Middle East is composed of countries in the territory of Turkey, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Palestine (now Israel), Jordan, Egypt, The Sudan, Libya, and several states belonging to the state of Arabia (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, and the fall in Arab Emirates).Geographically characterizing Middle Eastern communities, it has enlarged over the years to include three other countries in the North Africa region which is Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco with associated foreign policies. The Middle East is a territory that is surrounded by the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, extending from Morocco to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. (Wikipedia) Middle Eastern is a modern term coined by Americans for Arabs and for people who reside in the region of the Middle East.These are Semitic people speaking the Arabic quarrel and are generally not specified to particular residency in the Middle East. The distinction of Arabs must be clearly defined as the putting green perception of Arabs is that they are Muslims. Not all Arabs are Muslims, and not all Muslims are Arabs. Arabs are considered by the short lived Arabian league to be those of Arabic descent and speaking the Arabic Language. They must have originated from an Arabic country and strictly follow the rules and tenets of Arabic culture. (Poll Majority of US Muslims suffered post family line 11 bias, 2002)The paper provide discuss the implications of the perception on Middle Easterns and the changes later the kinfolk 11 attacks in the United States. In this exposition, diversity against Middle eastern leave behind be evaluated and the extent to which it happened by and bywards the 9/11 attacks. The study shows what life was fo r Middle Easterns earlier the attacks, and what they had to experience after. The study will not only focus on disagreement against Middle Easterns but as well to inequality per se on people belonging to different races. contrast happens delinquent to decisive factors which differentiates one person belonging to a race from another. It is a way to make clear distinctions and act towards another person based on prejudice. It can happen th rough in in three different ways either base on their appearance, language, and religion. MIDDLE EASTERN difference The society will more likely discriminate an individual because of what he looks like. Visual discrimination is the easiest way to discriminate slightlyone. This is because appearance is readily available for a person to venture on especially when people base their perception on skin pigmentation.Even on how a person dresses constitutes formation of prejudices against them. Difference in religion also contributes to discriminat ion, not just the religion Islam, but also other religious orientations as well. Religious discrimination is a one rampant occurrence after the 9/11 attacks. This is acting of ones bigotry against persons beliefs, rituals and customs in the particular religion he holds. Finally, the distinction between the different languages people speaks also accounts for discrimination to happen. Differences in language or in accent can generate misunderstanding among people.Discrimination is carried through legion(predicate) ways an(DISCRIMINATION INFORMATION FROM LITERATURE revue)d forms. Middle Easterns are not just the ones affected by this act of prejudice, but all those other nationalities perceived as different. The stereotypes that greatly motivate discrimination can be attributed to how the American media portrays people. The media has adverse perpetuations in people who are different from the Americans. The American media affects how the people perceive Middle Easterns, whether physic ally, by religion or with language.Discrimination takes on different forms and is carried out to unlimited extent, from hate crimes to employment discriminations. (DISCRIMINATION INFORMATION FROM LITERATURE REVIEW) DISCRIMINATION BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11 2001 Discrimination against people with Middle East cultures is known correct before the 9/11 event. But this had escalated dramatically over the years, particularly after the 9/11 attacks. They have been the subject of hate crimes, assaults and harassments due to their difference in color, race and religion.The perception of Arabs as terrorist is believed to have started in 1973 with the Arab- Israeli war and oil-embargo. The Iran hostage crisis in 1979, the hijacking of TWA dodging 847 in 1985 and the beginning of the Persian Gulf crisis added to the hostility of the American society against the Middle East culture. previous to 911, Middle eastern were already a subject of contempt and distrust. Their portrayal in mainstream media as either lying villains or evil warlords has vilified their image to the American public. Fictional books, particularly after 1973 exhort American and Israeli courage under the face of their Arab oppressors.Middle Easterns were tagged as terrorists due to the perception that they are oppressors in their war against Israel. The American relate over Israel had contributed to the terrorist perception it generated. Even cartoons, like Aladdin imprint in American children the image of those coming from the middle east as liars and villains. (EEC, 2002) Before, little was known just about the world that middle Easterns came from. The only feedback that the general public had was when the media get acrosss that another terrorist attack has been perpetrated by Arab terrorists, or another take on the deemed inequalities in their culture and religion.In particular, anti Arab sentiments have already taken hold before 911, due to the perception that these middle easterns are the oppressors in their war against Israel. The American interests in Israel have take them to promote the state at the same time portraying Muslims and the Arab world as oppressors and terrorists. Each terrorist attack by the Muslim world was broadcasted with the effect of reservation them the new pariahs of the world. The media and the government were very instrumental in defacing the image of middle easterns. And these acts further intensified after the tragedy that occurred on phratry 11 2001.THE catastrophe ON SEPTEMBER 11 2001 The September 11, 2001 attacks often referred to as just 911 was composed of a series of terrorist suicide attacks against the United States of America. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists whose were purportedly with the al-Qaeda terrorist organization hijacked four commercial passenger airplanes. The hijackers took control of the aircraft using small knives to scare and immobilize the passenger and crew. Two of the planes (United Airlines Flig ht 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) were crashed in the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York.In Arlington County, Virginia a third airplane (American Airlines Flight 77) was crashed into the United States Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States division of Defense. The fourth airplane crashed into a field adjacent to the town of Shanksville in Pennsylvania. The plane did not reach its inform want objective of crashing into the U. S. Capitol due to the attempt of some passengers and crew members to regain control of the plane. In addition to the19 hijackers, 2,973 people died another 24 are missing and presumed dead. (Wikipedia) DISCRIMINATION AFTR SEPTEMBER 11Nine days after the terrorist attacks, President George W. Bush declared to the nation that no one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith. His words were a little too late and apparently ineffective. After 911, there have bee n a large number of reported incidents of discrimination against Middle Eastern people in the United States. Security checks in airports were tightened and Middle Eastern personas well as persons perceived to be Middle Eastern were unjustly subject to more stringent security measures.(CNN, 2001) In the three days that succeeded the 911 terrorist attacks, CNN reported that at to the lowest degree 300 reports of Middle Eastern being harassed and abused were received by the Council on American-Islamic relations. This number tripled the amount of received reports in the year before September 11. The most common complaints were people yelling verbal abuse like Get out of our country Go back to your own, as well as the calling of insulting names like Arab dogs, whores, and other vile monikers. (CNN, 2001)The FBI also reported an append in Muslim crimes in the US in the year 2001. The US government is also said to have detained about 1200 Middle Eastern and South Asians with the assumpti ons that they are associated with the terrorists. A report on the study by the Council on American- Islamic Relations (CAIR) released in September 18 2005, showed an increase of more than 30% of discrimination, harassment and violations complaints against Muslim. The CAIR, the countrys largest Muslim organization had evaluated the implications of the 9/11 attacks to the Muslim residential district.Such incidents of discrimination, harassments and violation complaints were reported to be 1, 972 in 2005, more than what is reported in the previous year. The organization concluded the report as the highest statistic since it started doing reports on anti-Muslim activities in 1995. The organization began its yearly reporting of crime incidents towards Muslim in the year 1995 after the Oklahoma bombing. The bombing of the federal government building in Oklahoma, pointed by the mass media to have done by Arab radicals, triggered the anti-Muslim perception of the people and as a result tag ged the Muslim community as villains of peace.The year 2005 reported 153 cases of anti-Muslim hate crimes and marked a 10% increase of hate crimes over the year 2004, and a dramatic 50% increase from the year 2003. Hate crimes are acts of discrimination against persons belonging to a certain race, culture or religion. (cite source) These crimes involve murder, attacks on religious institutions, shootings, vehicular assaults and verbal threats against the person. This contract evident after the 9/11 attacks as the whole Muslim community were scrutinized for their involvement with the attacks.(Class action lawsuit filed against the US government, 2002) there were several hate crimes reported after the 9/11 attacks. Balbir Singh Sodhi in Mesa Arizona, associated with a different religion from Islam, was killed with no reason at all. It has been reported that the reason for his death was just mere association with terrorist, particularly the assumption that he looks the same as the te rrorist therefore he too is a terrorist. on that point has been similar incidents like what happened to Sodhi after the 9/11 attacks. In Dallas Texas, Waqar Hassan was shot to death in his own convenience store.The 46 year old Pakistani was apparently mistaken for an Arab following the 911 tragedy. His murderer, Mark Stroman, was also found guilty of killing another man, Vasudev Patel, with the same motive. (BH. , 2002) Murders without regard to affiliation, actual race and citizenship were committed after the Sept 11 attack. The list includes Adel Caras a Coptic Christian who originated from Egypt, American citizens Amil Almansoop and Jawed Wassel and Abdo Ali Ahmed among others. It would seem that the pain of the tragedy of 911 was enough reason for the murderers to perform their act.The aftermath showed that some people felt it was ok to target Middle Easterners and even people who look like them either as revenge or just as an object to vent their rage. Most murderers did not e ven attempt to camouflage their act. Marks Stroman was rumored to have bragged that he just that did what every American wanted to do but didnt have the nerve. After 911, the amount of reports of employment discrimination against Middle Easterns showed an increase. In a report of the US Equal Employment consignment in May 2002, they showed that 488 complaints were received regarding post 911 employment discrimination.Additionally, 301 of those reports were about Middle Easterns being forced out of employment. Numerous reports also abound of people ostracizing Middle Eastern co workers in the office. The united states government also aided in portraying the Middle Easterns as having direct links to terrorists. After the September 11 tragedy, the United States detained 1200 people. These were of Middle East and South Asian descent, further fueling the perception that the Arabs and the Muslims had something to do with the September 11 attacks. Whats more unreassuring is that in Sept. 17, 2001, interim regulation issued by the U. S.Department of Justice allowing detention without charge for at least 48 hours in emergency situations. This regulation was used in great effect in detaining those of Middle Eastern origin. The rule was invoked in the immigration of Middle Easterns following the attack. About 763 individuals were detained and about half of them were deported. Jorge Martinez of the United States Department of Justice explains that they did not single out Arabs, they were simply following up on leads and clues. However, the proceedings regarding these immigration cases are shrouded in a veil of secrecy. Identities and charges were not officially released.According to the Justice Department, this is simply to protect the privacy of the proceedings as well as the persons involved. Most of the information that were obtained showed that those detained were held on minor visa violations and on other terrorist unrelated criminal charges. The immigration judges presiding in the trials were allowed to hold their court proceedings in secret. The release of some detainees accompanied the news that rough treatment and solitary confinement were being used in these persons. (HRW, 2003) The effect of the attacks on Middle eastern communities across the country is even more troubling.Fear and paranoia has changed the way of life that these people were accustomed to. The numerous reports of physical injury and verbal abuse against Middle Easterns have induced some to refrain from showing signs of their ethnicity. The corroding of scarves and other telltale signs of their culture has made them visible targets to public contempt and most were not willing to undergo the risk that that entails. Withdrawal from civic life also came as a result of the 911 attacks. Middle Easterns stayed at their homes, and went out only when necessary due to fear of being a recipient of abuse.Muslim communities nullify congregating in order not to be subject to suspic ion by others. Middle eastern children were ostracized in their schools, most were bullied, called names and physically assaulted. (HRW, 2003) Prior to the 911 attacks, Muslim Middle Eastern families gave generously to charities and fundraisers. This is in accordance to the practice of zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam. However, the U. S government had a crack down on Muslim charities and charity benefactors, saying that they were a front for fundraising by terrorist organizations.In Chicago, two local Muslim charities, the Global Relief Foundation and Benevolence International Foundation, were investigated and except down due to alleged terrorist links. A wave of paranoia has been sweeping Middle Eastern communities since the 911 attacks. Reports of the governments methods in obtaining intelligence information from these communities have resulted in a feeling of fear and dread among individuals. Many has reported having been followed, eavesdropped upon, and watched. Federal agents have been known to search Middle Eastern residence without due notice or even the necessary warrants.Questioning by these agents without regards to the rights of the individual has made Middle Easterns wary and afraid. Reports of new faces in Mosques and in internal gatherings have made many wary. Islam is a religion based on tolerance and love. Because of this, Middle Easterns which have grown in this culture silently suffer the indignities and abuse being shown to them. However, a new generation of middle easterns, those who have grown in American soil, are rising up and asserting their rights as individuals and as Americans. Communities have begun to isthmus together and combat the discrimination against them.Groups like The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the Alliance of Iranian Americans (AIA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the National Council of Pakistani Americans (NCPA) have provided a voice to those victim to racial discr imination. They have acted by providing data, reports, denouncing claims and by filing suits against the perpetrators. But to some this is not enough. Many young middle easterns who have undergo this discrimination have talked about fighting back. CONCLUSION Discrimination against a particular people, religion or culture is a widespread occurrence even in these times.Discrimination comes in many forms. The Middle Eastern people have suffered discrimination on American soil before and after the September 11 attacks. Prior to 911 they have endured verbal abuse, harassment, racial profiling and even hate crimes. And after the tragedy, they suffered and are still suffering much more of these. They have been toughened with distrust, unearned hate and contempt. Their rights have been trampled on and their liberties taken away from them. They have known fear and paranoia. And most have resolved to be victims no protracted and fight back. The September 11 attacks struck a painful blow to the American nation.The wounds of the victims and survivors are now healing. But the wound that its effects have wrought on the Middle Easterns in America still bleeds. References BH. (2002). 9/11 Fuels Anti-Arab Crime. Boston Herald. Class action lawsuit filed against the US government. ( 2002). Retrieved October 23, 2006, from http//www. adc. org/index. php? id=1540 CNN. (2001). Hate crime reports up in wake of terrorist attacks. Retrieved October 24, 2006, from http//www. cnn. com/2001/US/09/16/gen. hate. crimes DISCRIMINATION INFORMATION FROM LITERATURE REVIEW. from http//www. d. umn. edu/lbelote/srseminar/mideast/PAPER4.HTM EEC. (2002). EEOC Provides Answers About the Workplace Rights of Muslims, Arabs, South Asians, and Sikhs. Retrieved October 24, 2006 from http//www. eeoc. gov/press/5-15-02. html HRW. (2003). We Are Not the Enemy. tender-hearted Rights Watch A Journa, l(14(6)), 1-39. Poll Majority of US Muslims suffered post September 11 bias. (2002). Retrieved October 24 , 2006 from http//www. cairnet. org/asp/article. asp? articleid=895$articletype=3 Wikipedia. September 11, 2001 attacks. Retrieved October 25, 2006, from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/September_11,_2001_Terrorist_Attack_note-CBS
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Owen’s war poetry Essay
It is a widely acknowledged truth that struggle is woful and cruel, but it takes the poetic opulence and the lively experience of the war to effectively convey ones strong attitude against the pragmatism of war. With his frequent imple ment of contrast, para-rhyme and vivid imagery especi solelyy of bloodline and light in his collection of war poems, Wilfred Owen successfully portrays the brutal reality in combat thus stirs the readers savvy for the sol ruinrs, expresses his anger at the futility of war, demonstrates the disdain for ignorant people pricker at home and voices his anguish at the condemnation that these s senioriers wealthy person to endure.The horrendous experience Owen has asleep(p) through as a soldier in the British Army in World war I explains why the tremendous sufferings by the soldiers stands as the most predominant idea in almost all his poems in the anthology. From the passive suffering of cold winds that knife us (Exposure) to the unreassuring dea th of an cursed fellow comrade in gas warf ar (Dulce et decorum est) floundring like a man in fire or lime, Owen presents a wide range of pains that blurs the boundary betwixt life and death.Although the type of destruction portrayed in separately poem is not the same as some(prenominal) other, they all highlight the frightening cruelty of the war, most obvious of all the deterioration of a mans physical appearance and strength. They argon all knock-kneed, coughing like hags before someone was caught in the toxic gas guttering, choking, drowning (Dulce et Decorum est), having old displeases save with cold that can not to a greater extent ache (Insensibility) that escalate into a thousand pains (Strange Meeting), or take down losing their potful eyeballs, huge-bulged like squids that brings them to such a total breakdown that he sobbed (The Sentry). wholly went lame, all blind because the uncompassionate war gives no exception whatsoever, and that they had lost their boots m akes no difference, they still limped on, bloodshod.Using factual vocabulary and vivid imagery which powerfulness at some point become grotesque, Wilfred Owen exposes the ugly truth of the war. Blood is an effective image conveying the smell of suffering in the battle, all of which is disturbing and brutal. It bears the connotation some(prenominal) of the death of soldiers and their guilt of shedding the lives of other compassionate beings. The blood either come gargling from the froth-corrupted lung (Dulce et Decorum est) or even gets clogged their chariot wheels (Strange Meeting). Also, if one notices he would see that the word blood-shod in Dulce et Decorum est which echoes blood-shed fully conveys the hellish reputation of the war. So much blood has poured that the veins ran dry ( disenable). Owen also successfully utilizes the effect of sounds and pace.By breaking lines into short fragments, he depicts the exhaustion and the limping of these men through the night. Also, wh enever he talks about sufferings, Owen uses harsh sounds such as k (knock-kneed), d (drunk with fatigue, deaf to the hoots), b and p (what we spoiled/ Or, discontent, boil bloody, and be spilled) which are either naturally unpleasant sounds or are even reminiscent of the sounds that rifles make. Death is prevailing in these poems and we see most clearly in Strange Meeting that the para-rhyme with the second rhyme lower in convulse than the first demonstrates the dying that these soldiers are breathing out through. They start of as enthusiastic youth lonesome(prenominal) to see themselves slowly rotten away to death. That is the brutal reality of war that Owen brings to readers. Through this we can see clearly that he is strongly anti-war.Together with depicting the physical pain, Owen also highlights the trauma that war leaves on any single soldier and the disparaging effect on their mentality. The idea of seeing their wretched comrade in their dreams is so haunting that it eithe r gets so real-guttering, choking, drowning(Dulce et Decorum est) or keeps coming back like the eyeballs that watch my dream still(The Sentry). The use of continuous verb tense conveys the actuality of a nightmare and also emphasizes on the on-going nature of such horrendous suffering that will definitely traumatize the on-lookers that survive. Also, the idea of being watched adds the survivor guilt that disturbs them. It is so callous an experience, seeing human beings die as cattle that at one point a stager try not to remember these things. However, whenever crumps pummeled the roof and slogged the manner beneath, the hurtful sight in which his comrade moans and jumps and make wild chattering of his broken teeth reappears (The Sentry) there is purely no way out because even the sounds of nature brings back such distressing memory.The description of hostility in nature is also used to further accentuate the enormous psychological suffering of the soldiers. The shrieking air that chases the soldiers running from post to post and the constant rain which kept slush waist high, that rising hour by hour, choked up the step (The Sentry) induces the sense of threat, that any moment the soldiers would all be swallowed up. The soldiers are too discouraged that they slowly give up fighting for their lives in the harshness of nature where the merciless iced east winds knife us (Exposure) or when they are about to be jabbed and killed, all they would do is parry (Strange Meeting). The personification of nature makes it obvious as well how all these soldiers have ceased to consciously distinguish the unloving nature from the human army that they have to fight against in the battle.The sense of pervasive pessimism in the battle is also demonstrated by the pejorative image of dawn massing in the east her melancholy army (Exposure). Dawn, the traditional imagery of hope and new beginning, has been belie to become a signal of melancholy despair that attacks on shivering r anks of gray. The gloomy dawn blends in with the color of the enemies uniform, which further stresses the disheartened animation of the soldiers in war. Even in their dreams in which they catch a vision of their beloved hometown, they remain skeptic, wondering whether it is just a precursor to death, asking Is it that we are dying? The pararhyme snow-dazed faces and sun-dozed establishes the wispy involvement between their suffering and their home but also brings out their discouragement at the incomplete and unreal vision of their dreams.Although Owen intends to cash in ones chips sympathy from the readers for the soldiers thus the anger at the war, he does acknowledge all these sufferings as the condemnation that the soldiers are inclined to suffer at one time they have bypast to war. His frequent reference to Hell is an allusion to The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri which details his visionary progress through Hell and Purgatory. With the description of fire in battlefield , Owen induces a sense of the haunting flares in Hades world (Dulce et Decorum est). In Strange Meeting, the soldier stood in Hell by and by he escaped from the inhumane battle. The image of purgatorial shadows (Mental Case) is typically Dantean that emphasizes the tortuous experience of the veterans.By doing this, Owen is both trying to convey the hellish experience of being in the war as if they were punished for their guilt and expressing his certainty of arrival in Hell even after the soldiers have escaped from the battlefield. This implicitly disapproves the participation of these soldiers in the war, saying that their sufferings is the condemnation for their curse, because by the time a soldier is killed, he is already a devils sick of sin (Dulce et Decorum est). Born into an evangelical family, Owen unsurprisingly echoes some religious reference in his poems. The devils sick of sin above is a good example.Besides that Owen also acknowledges that the soldiers are going th rough adversity because love of God seems dying (Exposure). To him, war is a sin against the will of his God which angers Him so much that he ceases to be good-hearted to the small creatures of his Creation. In The Sentry, the exclamation I see your lights and the reply further ours had long died out opens itself to some interpretations. The lights that the ill-luck soldier has seen bear the connotation of the light at the end of the tunnel, an escape from the despicable life into death. But the others lights, their hope and faith, have ceased to exist. Thus we can see in Owens eyes, war is a crime that defies the will of God and is worth condemning as it brings all the soldiers under the curse as well.Such pains are so enormous that the only way to stay alive is to suppress all emotions and become insensitive. The ironic use of the word happy which recurs in the poem Insensibility conveys the bitter long-suffering to the fact that soldiers can only live in war if they let their veins run cold before they die and from whom no compassion makes their feet sore on the alley cobbed with their brothers they are allowed no more space for emotions once their comrades fall in the battle and they have to step on the corpses to make their way out. walk sloughs of flesh and treading blood (Mental Cases) have become a usual occurrence that if the soldiers do not grow empathetic towards, he would be robbed off his sanity. War takes away so many lives-the soldiers dies as cattle that they keep no check on Armies decimation as it is ultimately pointless. However haunting and hurtful it is to run across a comrades death, the soldier forgot him there (The Sentry).War dehumanizes people to such an extent that a little bit of care for anyone else would be a luxury. They have to adapt by turning their eyes rid of the hurt of color of blood and keep their hearts remain small drawn, otherwise it would be too painful to keep moving on. This is a development on the depiction of blood, which now adopts implication of heart-feelings of pity. It has to be constricted to resist all feelings just as their senses become dulled in the way a military surgeon might burn flesh to stop the loss of blood from a wound by cautery. The advantage-that they can laugh among the dying is, in its cruelty, an outright criticism of the effect of war on human decency (Insensibility). Gradually, they sustain the feeling for themselves as well.Also, Owen brings the response of the people back home into some of these poems to further highlight the destruction of war in the sense that it brings out the insensitivity of those who do not go to war. Surely, the death of young soldiers would dwell on the forehead of girls who love them for the rest of their lives as The pallor of girls brows shall be their palland each slow duck a drawing-down of blinds (Anthem for Doomed Youth), but most of the time, all that the soldiers perceive, as Owen depicts, is indifference and ignorance.There is a strong echo between But nothing happens (Exposure) and but no one bothers (Insensibility). War has made such a difference in the lives of those who went to the front and those who did not that it actually divides and weaken the link between human beings and Owen voices his rage in damning words By choice they made themselves immune to pity. Characterizing the insensitivity that is slowly engendered in human beings, Owen has successfully brought out the insensitive and merciless nature of the war.The suffering does not end once the last gun ceased to fire. Instead it drags on and becomes an incurable wound in the veterans mind after they return home. The sharp contrast between the life before and after the war of the young soldier in modify exemplifies the destruction that war makes on the lives of these soldiers. Once a football player that got carried shoulder-high for his excellent performance, the young man is now legless, sewn short at jostle, helpless and dependent.The juxtaposition of crowds cheer goal against some cheer him home shows the marked difference between the life of an admired footballer with that of a veteran who receives only spared sympathy from some people back home. There is a decrease in the degree of respect and recognition that the soldier gets before and after the war, and Owen severely despises war for that truth. The soldiers social life is also worsened where he notices the lovelier glances that girls gave him as a young handsome guy have passed from him to others that were whole. The girls that have allowed him to feel their waists and hands now merely touch him like some queer disease. Again sharp contrast between touch and feel demonstrates the disappearance of emotions that were once present. Lack of emotions is accompanied by a sense of disgust for a queer disease.If in Disabled, Owen depicts the contrast between the life of a soldier before and after the war, in Mental Cases he focuses on the trauma that robs these so ldiers off their sanity once they step out of the war. Not only physically destroyed, chasms round their fretted sockets, stroke on stroke of pain, they also suffer from insanity which resulted from witnessing numberless murders, wading sloughs of flesh and treading blood of their own comrades. To link this with a point previously made, war makes the soldiers either bitterly insensitive or makes them lose their minds.These men did not withstand and grow that insensibility instead they have given in to the inhumanity of the war and thus become traumatized-their hands are plucking at each other. This is a strong allusion to Lady Macbeth who is overwhelmed with a sense of guilt in Act 5 Scene 1, thus it is reasonable to derive that the haunting experience of killing massive number of people has rooted in these soldiers minds causing them to lose their minds. Owen unceasingly points out the negative influence of the war and finally comes to his firm conclusion that war is futile and c ontemptible.All these pains and suffering do not bring anyone anywhere. It only turns a brother into an enemy which gets jabbed and killed (Strange Meeting). It involves lengthy days of waiting although it is clear that nothing happens. The question What are we doing here? (Exposure) can be taken as both the query for the purpose of their night duties or the questioning of the point of the war itself. The suffering in the middle of the war, the post-war sense of loss for such futile animosity makes a complete picture of the pity of war that Owen tries to depict in his collection of poems.He forthrightly dismisses the sentimental description of the soldiers as flowers for poets tearful insouciant or merely gaps for filling (Insensibility). Neither does he approve of such false promises as jeweled hilts, daggers in plait socks, smart salutes (Disabled) or the old Lie Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori. It is ultimately deception which lures innocent civilians into the horrendous b attle. He is convinced that the propaganda can only fool children ardent for some do-or-die(a) glory and the deception is too thin a mask for the callous reality of war.All in all, Owen is a strongly anti-war poet who has clearly establishes his stance on the distressing and repugnant reality of war. With a combination of various devices, notably para-rhyme, contrast and vivid imagery, Owen has both offered a factual account of war and flaccid his anger towards war-the crisis, the crime of humankind.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The analysis of psychological phenomena
The analysis of psychological phenomena can be approached from several perspectives. Each offers somewhat different account of wherefore individuals act the way they do, and each can make a contribution to our perception of the total person and a deeper understanding of a persons overt and covert behavior. Hu world activities involves remembering,deciding,reasoning, classifying, planning, and so on- that deport traditionall(a)y been thought to belong to a group of mental processes generally falling under the gauge cognition. We can think of cognitive activities in terms of tasks. We use one cognitive powers and capacities to carry out all sorts of projects from deciding what to wear to a political party to keeping tabs on a bank account. We may use our cognitive powers to solve our problems, fro example to find the shortest route home. These tasks can be per phase angleed well or ill, correctly or incorrectly, c arfully or carelessly with many intermediate possibilities. Our solu tions can be more or less adequate more or less cleverly arrived at and so on.The study of these activities and the standards to which possible action are taken to conform, is cognitive psychology. The modern cognitive perspective is a reaction to the narrowness of behaviorism and the stimulus-response view which tend to neglect complex human activities like reasoning, planning, decision making, and communication. The modern study of cognition is concerned with mental processes such as perceiving, remembering, reasoning, deciding, and, problem solving.cognitive approach examines how we process, store, and use information and how these information influences what we attend to, perceive, learn, remember, believe, and feel. The modern study of cognition is premised on the supposition that only by studying mental process can we fully understand what organisms do and why and we can study mental processes in an objective fashion by instruction on specific behaviors just as the behavi orists do, but also interpreting them in terms of underlying mental processes.In making these interpretations, cognitive psychologists ofttimes rely on an analogy between the mind and the computer. Incoming information is processed in different ways It is selected, compared, and combine with other or all information already in the memory, transformed, altered, rearranged, organized, and so on. For instance, the simple act of recognizing who it is when a friend phones and says Hello requires you unconsciously to compare her voice to samples of other heaps voices that you have already stored in your long-term memory.We can use our sample problems to exemplify the cognitive perspective. When we interpret someones behavior, fundamentally we are engaging in the form of reasoning that is what is most likely cause of such action or conduct. Just as we may reason about why and what motivates human behavior. Cognitive approaches to motivation propose that motivation is a product of peoples thoughts, expectations, and addresss- their cognition. Motivation is the emotional stimulus that causes an individual to act. The stimulus maybe a imply or drive that energizes reliable(prenominal) behaviors. (Feldman, R. 2003 p. 28). If only we fully understand what motivates us, we are more likely to achieve our own(prenominal) of professional goals. The causes of motivation range from physiological events within our brain that involves cognition and the body where manifestation of covert actions are seen. Psychology have generally proposed that all human behavior is goal tell towards satisfying a felt need. As a consequence, an unsatisfied needs causes one an inner tension which could be observable physically or psychologically. then the individual engages in some action to reduce or relieve the tension.The individual wants to do something that will satisfy the perceive needs. For example, a thirsty man needs water, because he is driven by his thirst and is therefore mot ivated to drink. All humans have needs. They need to breath, eat, drink, and rest. But these needs are only part of a much larger picture. People also need to be accepted, fulfilled, recognized, and appreciated. They need to dream, aspire, desire , and acquire. These motives are all the result of how our cognition drop dead by giving interpretation to what we desire and what the outcome of our goals maybe.Individuals motives are the inner states that energizes, activates or moves and directs or channels behavior towards certain goals. Motives causes individuals to pip out, to seek fulfillment, and to begin searching for gratification. (Plotnik, R. 1999 p. 331). The cognitive theory explains that we may do things to satisfy our personal beliefs or meet our personal goals. For example, John may have undertaken a life-threatening behavior that is climbing the Mount Fuji of Japan. What motivates John to endure such agony?Cognitive theorys concept of inbuilt motivation will explain Jo hns dangerous behavior thus climbing itself was rewarding, climbing allowed him to meet his own personal goals, beliefs, and expectations. Everyone has their own personal goals, so does John. Cognitive theories of motivation draw a key distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation involves engaging in certain activities or behaviors that either reduce biological needs or helps us obtain incentives or external rewards.While, Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in certain activities or behaviors because the behaviors themselves are personally rewarding because engaging in these activities fulfills our beliefs or expectation ( Atkinson et al. 1996 p. 335-337). These two types of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) were additive and could be combine to produce the highest take of motivation. These two forms of motivation may based either on enjoyment or obligation. In this context obligation refers to motivation based on what individuals thinks ought to be done.For instance, a feeling of responsibility for a mission may lead to helping others beyond what is easily observable, rewarded of fun. Intrinsic motivation explains that people volunteer their services, spend hours on hobbies, run marathons, or work on personal projects because these activities are personally rewarding, fulfilling or challenging. Intrinsic motivation emphasizes that we do many things because of personal beliefs, expectations, or goals, rather than external incentives. The concept of intrinsic motivation provides an explanation why humans are motivated to do the things they wanted to do, or to fulfill.Intrinsic motivation causes us to participate in an activity for our own enjoyment (like John did), rather than for any concrete, tangible reward that it will bring us. For example, when a mendelevium works long hours because she loves medicine, intrinsic motivation is prompting her if she works hard in order to make a lot of money, extrinsic motivation unde rlies her groundss. We are more apt to persevere, work harder, and produce work of higher and higher quality when motivation for a task is intrinsic rather than extrinsic (Rawsthorne & Elliot,1999) .most explanations on the motivations of human behavior were a combine elements of Bernard Weiners attribution theory, and Banduras work on self- efficacy and other studies relating to locus of control and goal orientation. Thus it is thought that the students are more likely to experience intrinsic motivation if they attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control the amount of effort they put in, not fixed ability believe they can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (e. g. the results are not determined by shadowy luck. are motivated towards deep mastery of a topic, instead of just rote- study performance to get good grades. The cognitive concept of motivation is based upon several assumptions about people and what people think and do. More spec ifically, the needs view of motivation seems to assume the following that individual are informed of their own personal needs in a conscious manner. Each individual knows whether lets say the belongingness needs are personally important- as they perceived it to be, whether power needs are greater than hostage needs, and so forth.People recognize urgencies and are capable of putting them down into their priority motives are primarily internal needs and not created by environment again as how interpreted it is to be that more people are capable of assessing activities available to them to determine that if they do well and receive rewards for their performance, the result will be the fulfillment of known and interpreted to be their internal needs and lastly, individuals are future oriented in their motivational drives.Instead looking to outgoing performances and past rewards, the individuals are also concerned about existing and future unfilled needs, not the past fulfilled ones. In 1941, Miller and Dollard proposed a theory of social learning and imitation that rejected behaviourist notions of associationism in favor of drive reduction principles. It was a theory of learning, however, that failed to take into account the instauration of novel responses or the processes of delayed and non-reinforced imitations.In 1963, Bandura and Walters broadened the frontiers of social learning theory with the now familiar principles of observational learning and vicarious reinforcement. By the 1970s, however, Bandura was becoming aware that a key element was missing not only from the prevalent learning theories of the day but from his own social learning theory. Bandura (1986) advanced a view of human functioning that accords a central role to cognitive, vicarious, self-regulatory, and self-reflective processes in human adaptation and change.People are viewed as self-organizing, proactive, self-reflecting and self-regulating rather than as reactive organisms shaped and shepherded by environmental forces or driven by concealed inner impulses. From this theoretical perspective, human functioning is viewed as the product of a dynamic interplay of personal, behavioural, and environmental influences.For example, how people interpret the results of their own behaviour informs and alters their environments and the personal factors they possess which, in turn, inform and alter subsequent behaviour. This is the foundation of Banduras (1986) conception of correlative determinism, the view that personal factors in the form of cognition, affect, and biological events, behaviour, and environmental influences create interactions that result in a triadic reciprocality.Bandura altered the label of his theory from social learning to social cognitive both to distance it from prevalent social learning theories of the day and to emphasize that cognition plays a critical role in peoples energy to construct reality, self-regulate, encode information, and perform beha viour. The cognitive approach to motivation suggests basically that people are mentally aware of how situations around them appeal to their needs.At the equivalent time, people recognize the consequences and effects of their own personal actions as those actions results in either rewards or penalties. The key to motivation is the fact that the performer senses or comprehends what is winning place. As the power- oriented individual can be expected to respond to the opportunity to gain more power, so may the friendship-starved individual be appealed to by the opportunity for socializing- all these means to the attainment of ones urgent need or to accomplish needs as perceived or ascertain them to be.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Project Management Essay
picture heed is one of the approximately important and critical tool or technique, which defines the entire course of ontogeny of any kind of trade union movement. Project management consummations as an ignition for the chain reaction of the whole development cycle. It to a fault helps to lay turn out each and every step of the development cycle and defines the action plan to be followed during the risk-conditions. Not only this, give management methodologies help track shoot the success rate for a control and improve the understandability of the workforce. Conventionally, any project management onslaught revolves around the 5 basic processes involved in project management, named as Initiation This step determines the nature and scope of the project. All the basic elements of the project like requirements analysis and feasibility, review of current operations, goals are determined. It is the most crucial set up and if performed incorrectly, results in the failure of the wh ole project. Planning & design This stage basically helps to plan term, cost, and resource during the course of the development. Risk planning is likewise performed to effectively tackle uncertainties. Executing consists of the activities used in the process to work in synchronise with the project plan so as to meet the deadlines of opposite milestones. Monitoring & control These processes verify and validate the activities and their sequence and successionlines with the project plan. The quality of activities is also considered here. Closing includes the formal acceptance of the product so developed. Administrative and other formal activities are performed to release the product to the end-user or client after thorough testing. Different project management hailes are designed for easily carrying out the different process in a planned way for accomplishing all the requirements. apiece approach have key feature of its own which keeps the activities in sync with the project plan. Some project management approaches are The traditional approach This approach is the most basic approach in project management. It is quite exchangeable to the waterfall model in software development services. All the five processes are executed in sequence, with the extension of recursive-ness of a few processes to support the development cycle. PRINCE2 It is a structured approach for project management introduced in 1996. It posses thekey feature of automatic control of any deviation observed against the project plan. Each specified process in this approach, has its key input and output with the associated activities to be performed and specified goals of those activities. Processes are divided into manageable stages and close monitoring of each stage results in an organized and controlled rolling out of activities. Lean Project-management This approach to project management is based on the concept of lean-manufacturing. Lean-manufacturing is centered on the elimination o f wastage in order to minimize the cost of production and hence improving the quality of the product. Event Chain methodology It has a key feature of identifying and managing resultants and event imprisonment which affects the schedule of the projects. This approach helps in handling the negative impact & allows the modeling of uncertainties in project schedule. However, it is not necessary that all the project management methodologies work well. In the dynamic industry environment, the basic aim of any project management strategy is to accomplish a task. However, it should be within the allocated budget and time while maintaining the quality of the final product. Project management approaches enable organisations to accomplish projects efficiently, addressing both internal bashfulnesss and dynamic external situations in the interim.Project management enables organisations to proceed or accept internal project constraints and also adapt to unforeseen changes in project scope or goals. An organisation send away, depending on its requirements, either hug a standard project management approach or combine multiple approaches. Additionally, an organisation has the advantage of project management software applications which facilitates intelligent planning, constraint removal and monitoring of projects.Here is a list of standard project management approaches.Traditional approachThe traditional approach assumes that the project scope and goals entrust remain constant till project completion. Obviously, a project manager plans and identifies project resources based on this assumption. The traditional approach lays down the following project phases Project initiation Project planning and design Project monitoring and control Project execution Project completionSince the approach is inherently rigid, many another(prenominal) organisations may choose a hybrid project management approach.Critical chain approachThe approach assumes that at least one constraint (be havioural or process-related) is likely to hinder projects which utilise complex processes and a large number of cross-functional teams. The approach recommends the use of behavioural and mathematical sciences to first predict, and thence analyse and remove constraints. The project team can use data to remove the constraints. For example, if productivity is a foreseen concern, then a project manager could track the actual time spent by team members on the job. This approach is useful in sending quality deliverables on time by proactively removing constraints.Extreme project approachThis approach is suitable for projects which handle dynamic situations, such as, changing customer requirements. Often, it may not be possible to obtain a full lucidness of requirements and a project may purely be guided by market changes. The mobile phone industry, which experiences rapid changes, is a case in point. The project team, hence, plans purely on the basis of the currently available data and depending on requirement changes, modifies plans.Event chain project approachAccording to this approach, a undivided constraint can create a chain of constraints and severely impede a project. For example, in a project, if several departments depend on one another, then constraints in any one department can negatively impact the productivity of downstream departments. A project team can use prehistoric data to foresee a negative event and identifypreventive measures. Reliable data, collected over time, can even help track event chains. The Gantt chart is a popular event chain tracking tool. The event chain approach, hence, could be an excellent problem solving approach for critical projects.Project management software how useful is it?Project management software capabilities have expanded notably and it gives more than just scheduling meetings and activities. A project management tool can estimate the effort, monitor project progress and highlight risks. It can also preserve hist orical data on past projects, which can be extremely useful in foreseeing constraints. Project management tools are available as desktop, web-based and collaborative applications and they are compatible for every type of project management approach.Many organisations have begun to adopt a hybrid project management approach, by combining the best features of standard project management approaches. This approach has been beneficial and indeed goes to show how flexible the project management approaches are.Read more at http//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Strength of Mice and Men
In this story, although some people consecrate great intensivenesss, they may have greater weaknesses, and sometimes the pie-eyed dont always survive. Strength in something shtup greatly benefit a person. For example 1. Lennie is physic tout ensembley strong and large. He is able to work very hard because of his strength, and he uses this to his advantage. Slim said, By the way, what did you said about Lennie was absolutely right. Perhaps he isnt intelligent, and Ive never seen such a good worker as him.He worked much harder than the other men this afternoon, loading barley on to the waggon. Nobody can work as fast as him ( its in chapter 6). Lennie also uses his strength to his advantage when he fights Curley. With his immense power he was able to call down Curleys hand. 2. Georges intelligence. George is a very quick thinker. He is there to get Lennie out of trouble when he causes it. An example would be what happened in Weed. Lennie mat up a girls dress and didnt let go, s o she accused him of raping her, and sent men to lynch him.George, thinking quickly, told Lennie to hide in a marsh so that the men wouldnt find and kill him. 3. Curley, as a symbol of authority on the ranch and a champion boxer, makes this shed light on immediately by using his brutish strength and violent temper to intimidate the men and his wife. 4. Curleys wife. Curleys wife is beautiful. Beautifulness is the strength in herself to flirts with all the men she met especially all the men in the ranch.5. Slim. Slim is the senior worker in ranch. So everyone respected him and his opinions. For example when Slim said Carlsons right. Your dogs no good to himself. Id be glad if someone shot me when I was so old that I could simply move . this ipinion makes Candy felt helpless and then he mau accept his dog will be shoted by the Carlson. (its in chapter 7) 6. Carson. He has the strength to shoted the Candys dog because he has a gun and Slim suporrted him. ( its in chapter 7)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Footnote to Youth
Dennise Soriano BSTM 1Y2-3 INTRODUCTION an non take to Y byh By Jose Garcia Villa Dodong is s hithertoteen geezerhood senior when he treasu scarlet to marry Teang and asked for his dads permission. Even plan Dodong thinked twice of marrying Teang, they still got unite. After nine months, Teang gave birth to their eldest son Blas. Teang really regretted getting married in an early age. Her husband doesnt know ab away this. She veritable(a) up wondered if ever she got married to Lucio who was nine years venerableer than Dodong. When their son, Blas twirled 18, he told his preceptor, Dodong that he would marry Tona.Dodong didnt rejected or complain he just talk to his son that he should not be rushing to marriage and Dodong doesnt want his son to experience and be like him at the end. BODY AND CONTENT Dodong is the main character. Teang is the wife of Dodong who regretted marrying at an early age. Lucio is Teangs other suer who got married after(prenominal) she did and who is childless now. Blas is Dodong and Teangs eldest son who fol un unplougheded their footsteps in the end. Blas also contemplated to marry Tona at the age of 18. Tona is the woman whom Blass wants to marry. EXERCISE 1.Who is the protagonist in the story? 2. What is the climax in the story? 3. Does Teang really wanted to get married in an early age? 4. What kind of character does Blas portray? 5. How old did Dodong got married? 6. Who is the other suitor of Teang? 7. How old did Blas got married? 8. Who is the eldest son of Dodong and Teang? 9. What is the falling action in the story? 10. Is the narratos reliable or unreliable? wherefore? REFERENCE Philippine Short Story (1925-1940) Introduced by Leopoldo Y. Yabes Page108 http//wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_Footnote_to_Youth_the_Whole_Story_and_CharactersFootnote to YouthShort story of how my brother leon brought home a wife? An Award winning Publisher Looking for New Writers www. RaiderPublishing. com How my brother Leon brought h ome a wife is a misfortunate story by author Manuel E. Arguilla. Manuel E. Arguilla was well known for his short stories such as this story and m some(prenominal) of his works were published throughout the 1940s especially. Arguilla lived between 1911 and 1944, at which point he was captured, tortured and killed by the Japanese army. The story How my brother Leon brought home a wife is perhaps the more or less successful and popular of Arguillas short stories.The story is written from the point of view of a youth boy called Baldo and his recollections of the night that he met his brothers wife, mare, for the first time. The story is descriptive and eloquently written and bemuses you feel as though you were there yourself. The story starts with Baldo meeting Leon and Maria and how he took them on a ride home through the fields near their home on a cart pulled by their family bull. The story describes the smell, depend and feel of the fields and the surrounding areas and speaks well of Maria, describing her as gentle and full of laughter.It becomes apparent that Leon is taking Maria to meet his family for the first time, and she is nervous about meeting them, his don especially. As the story continues Baldo, Leon (who is called Noel in the story as this is Marias nickname for him, Baldo presumes that this is because Noel is Leon backwards) and Maria all arrive at the family home. The story ends with the three of them entering the fathers board upstairs and they begin talking to him. If you would like to read the story yourself you can follow this link to read the story yourself. Analysis Footnote To YouthFootnote to Youth By Jose Garcia Villa 1. Explain the title. In what way is it suitable to the story? Footnote to youth is the title of the story. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is abrief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real behavior could be now. It also indicatesthe sources or the causes why youth act this way. It furthermore adds comment, whether it is apositive or negative, on todays generation. Yes it is suitable to the story because it gives a warningfor those apathetic youth that ones committed mistake because of their stubbornness. . What is the predominant element in the story- plot, theme, character, and setting? Explain. The predominant element on this story is the character and the setting. The setting has a greatimpact because the story definitely empathizes the situations of a Filipino person and it is appealingfor us because we are at the p everyplacety line. The setting is most likely the same setting as today. Alsothe characters, because characters had their own definite description, their conversation is differentfrom one another(prenominal), and they act as unique as their personality it enhances the story even more.Theact of the characters seems to bring up the whole story. 3. Who is the single main character about whom the story centers? Explain. The story cen ters at the character of Dodong. Dodong is the one who represents the typicalyouth that experiencing a lot of uncertainties in life that make him realize that he sacrifice his youthjust for the sake of proving himself that he can manage his own life because he is matured enough toface this lifes challenges. 4. What sort of conflict confronts the leading character or characters? Explain. Internal conflict confronts the leading character.Internal character in a way that he wasstruggling if he can managed himself to earn a family because he knows that he is in the legal agethat he can be independent and can definitely utter apart the right from wrong. plainly Footnote to Youth was written by Jose Garcia Villa. Story The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. Dodong feeling to himself he would tell his father about Teang when he got home, after he had unhitched the carabao from the plow, and let it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it, further he wanted his father to know. What he had to say was of serious import as it would mark a climacteric in his life.Dodong finally decided to tell it, at a thought came to him his father might refuse to consider it. His father was silent hard-working farmer who chewed areca nut, which he had learned to do from his mother, Dodongs grandmother. I ordain tell it to him. I will tell it to him. The ground was broken up into many fresh wounds and fragrant with a sweetish earthy smell. Many slender soft worms emerged from the furrows and then burrowed once once again deeper into the soil. A short colorless worm marched blindly to Dodongs foot and crawled calmly over it. Dodong go tickled and jerked his foot, flinging the worm into the air.Dodong did not bother to olfactory property where it fell, but thought of his age, seventeen, and he said to himself he was not young any more. Dodong unhitched the carabao leisurely and gave it a healthy tap on the hip. The beast turned its head to look at him with dumb f aithful eyes. Dodong gave it a slight push and the animal walked a farseeingside him to its shed. He placed bundles of grass before it land the carabao began to eat. Dodong looked at it without interests. Dodong started homeward, mentation how he would break his news to his father. He wanted to marry, Dodong did.He was seventeen, he had pimples on his face, the down on his upper lip already was dark-these meant he was no longer a boy. He was growing into a manhe was a man. Dodong felt insolent and big at the thought of it although he was by nature low in statue. Thinking himself a man grown Dodong felt he could do anything. He walked faster, prodded by the thought of his virility. A mild angled stone bled his foot, but he dismissed it cursorily. He lifted his leg and looked at the hurt toe and then went on walking. In the alter sundown he thought wild you dreams of himself and Teang. Teang, his girl.She had a small brown face and small black eyes and straightglossy hair. How desi rable she was to him. She make him dream even during the day. Dodong tensed with desire and looked at the muscles of his arms. Dirty. This field work was healthy, invigorating but it begrimed you, smudged you terribly. He turned back the way he had come, then marched obliquely to a creek. Dodong stripped himself and laid his clothes, a gray undershirt and red kundiman shorts, on the grass. The he went into the water, wet his body over, and rubbed at it vigorously. He was not long in bathing, then he marched homeward again.The bath made him feel cool. It was dusk when he reached home. The petroleum lamp on the ceiling already was lighted and the low unvarnished square table was set for supper. His parents and he sat down on the floor around the table to eat. They had fried fresh-water fish, rice, bananas, and caked sugar. Dodong ate fish and rice, but didnot partake of the fruit. The bananas were overripe and when one held them they felt more fluid than solid. Dodong broke off a pie ce of the cakes sugar, dipped it in his glass of water and ate it. He got another piece and wanted some more, but he thought of leaving the remainder for his parents.Dodongs mother removed the dishes when they were through and went out to the batalan to moisten them. She walked with slow careful steps and Dodong wanted to help her carry the dishes out, but he was tired and now felt lazy. He wished as he looked at her that he had a sister who could help his mother in the housework. He pitied her, doing all the housework alone. His father remained in the room, sucking a diseased tooth. It was paining him again, Dodong knew. Dodong had told him ofttimes and again to let the town dentist pull it out, but he was afraid, his father was. He did not tell that to Dodong, but Dodong guessed it.Afterward Dodong himself thought that if he had a decayed tooth he would be afraid to go to the dentist he would not be any bolder than his father. Dodong said while his mother was out that he was goin g to marry Teang. on that point it was out, what he had to say, and over which he had done so much thinking. He had said it without any effort at all and without self-consciousness. Dodong felt relieved and looked at his father expectantly. A decrescent moon outside shed its feeble light into the window, graying the still black temples of his father. His father looked old now. I am going to marry Teang, Dodong said.His father looked at him silently and stopped sucking the broken tooth. The silence became intense and cruel, and Dodong wished his father would suck that troubled tooth again. Dodong was un promiscuous and then became angry because his father kept looking at him without uttering anything. I will marry Teang, Dodong repeated. I will marry Teang. His father kept gazing at him in inflexible silence and Dodong fidgeted on his seat. I asked her last night to marry me and she said yes. I want your permission. I want it. There was impatient clamor in his component, an exac ting protest at this mothyness, this indifference.Dodong looked at his father sourly. He cracked his knuckles one by one, and the little sounds it made broke dully the night stillness. Must you marry, Dodong? Dodong resented his fathers school principals his father himself had married. Dodong made a quick impassioned easy in his mind about selfishness, but ulterior he got confused. You are very young, Dodong. Im seventeen. Thats very young to get married at. I I want to marry Teangs good girl. Tell your mother, his father said. You tell her, tatay. Dodong, you tell your inay. You tell her. All right, Dodong. You will let me marry Teang? Son, if that is your wish of course There was a strange helpless light in his fathers eyes. Dodong did not read it, too absorbed was he in himself. Dodong was immensely glad he had asserted himself. He lost his resentment for his father. For a while he even felt sorry for him about the diseased tooth. Then he confined his mind to dreamin g of Teang and himself. Sweet young dream. Dodong stood in the sweltry noon heat, sweating profusely, so that his camiseta was damp. He was still like a tree and his thoughts were confused. His mother had told him not to leave the house, but he had left.He had wanted to get out of it without clear reason at all. He was afraid, he felt. Afraid of the house. It had seemed to cage him, to compares his thoughts with severe tyranny. Afraid also of Teang. Teang was giving birth in the house she gave screams that chilled his blood. He did not want her to scream like that, he seemed to be rebuking him. He began to wonder madly if the process of childbirth was really painful. nigh women, when they gave birth, did not cry. In a few moments he would be a father. Father, father, he whispered the word with awe, with strangeness.He was young, he realized now, contradicting himself of nine months comfortable Your son, people would soon be telling him. Your son, Dodong. Dodong felt tired standin g. He sat down on a saw horse with his feet close together. He looked at his callused toes. Suppose he had ten children What made him think that? What was the matter with him? God He heard his mothers voice from the house Come up, Dodong. It is over. Of a fulminant he felt terribly embarrassed as he looked at her. Somehow he was ashamed to his mother of his youthful paternity. It made him feel guilty, as if he had taken something no properly his.He dropped his eyes and pretended to dust dirt off his kundiman shorts. Dodong, his mother called again. Dodong. He turned to look again and this time saw his father beside his mother. It is a boy, his father said. He beckoned Dodong to come up. Dodong felt more embarrassed and did not move. What a moment for him. His parents eyes seemed to lunge him through and he felt limp. He wanted to hide from them, to run away. Dodong, you come up. You come up, he mother said. Dodong did not want to come up and stayed in the sun. Dodong. Dodong. I ll come up. Dodong traced tremulous steps on the dry parched yard.He ascended the bamboo steps slowly. His heart pounded mercilessly in him. Within, he avoided his parents eyes. He walked in the lead of them so that they should not see his face. He felt guilty and untrue. He felt like crying. His eyes smarted and his chest wanted to burst. He wanted to turn back, to go back to the yard. He wanted somebody to punish him. His father thrust his hand in his and gripped it gently. Son, his father said. And his mother Dodong How kind were their voices. They flowed into him, making him strong. Teang? Dodong said. Shes sleeping. But you go in His father led him into the small sawali room. Dodong saw Teang, his girl wife, asleep on the papag with her black hair soft around her face. He did not want her to look that pale Dodong wanted to touch her, to push away that stray wisp of hair that touched her lips, but again that feeling of embarrassment came over him and before his parents he di d not want to be demonstrative. The hilot was wrapping the child, Dodong heart it cry. The thin voice pierced him queerly. He could not control the swelling of felicity in him. You give him to me. You give him to me, Dodong said. * * * Blas was not Dodongs child.Many more children came. For six successive years a new child came along. Dodong did not want any more children, but they came. It seemed the coming of children could not be helped. Dodong got angry with himself sometimes. Teang did not complain, but the bearing of children told on her. She was shapeless and thin now, even if she was young. There was interminable work to be done. Cooking. Laundering. The house. The children. She cried sometimes, wishing she had not married. She did not tell Dodong this, not wishing him to dislike her. Yet she wished she had not married. Not even Dodong, whom she loved.There has been another suitor, Lucio, older than Dodong by nine years, and that was why she had chosen Dodong. Young Dodong . Seventeen. Lucio had married another after her marriage to Dodong, but he was childless until now. She wondered if she had married Lucio, would she have borne him children. Maybe not either. That was a better lot. But she loved Dodong Dodong whom life had made ugly. unrivalled night, as he lay beside his wife, he roe and went out of the house. He stood in the moonlight, tired and querulous. He wanted to ask questions and somebody to answer him. He w anted to be wise about many things.One of them was why life did not fulfill all of Youths dreams. Why it must be so. Why one was forsaken after Love. Dodong would not find the answer. Maybe the question was not to be answered. It must be so to make Youth. Youth. Youth must be dreamfully sweet. Dreamfully sweet. Dodong returned to the house humiliated by himself. He had wanted to know a little wisdom but was denied it. * * * When Blas was eighteen he came home one night very flustered and happy. It was late at night and Teang and the o ther children were asleep. Dodong heard Blass steps, for he could not sleep well of nights.He watched Blas undress in the dark and lie down softly. Blas was restless on his mat and could not sleep. Dodong called him name and asked why he did not sleep. Blas said he could not sleep. You better go to sleep. It is late, Dodong said. Blas raised himself on his elbow and muttered something in a low fluttering voice. Dodong did not answer and tried to sleep. Itay , Blas called softly. Dodong stirred and asked him what was it. I am going to marry Tena. She accepted me tonight. Dodong lay on the red pillow without moving. Itay, you think it over. Dodong lay silent. I love Tena andI want her. Dodong rose f ROM his mat and told Blas to follow him. They descended to the yard, where everything was still and quiet. The moonlight was cold and white. You want to marry Tena, Dodong said. He did not want Blas to marry to that extent. Blas was very young. The life that would follow marriage woul d be heard Yes. Must you marry? Blass voice stilled with resentment. I will marry Tena. Dodong kept silent, hurt. You have objections, Itay? Blas asked acridly. Son n-none (But truly, God, I dont want Blas to marry yet not yet. I dont want Blas to marry yet. But he was helpless. He could not do anything. Youth must triumph now. Love must triumph now. Afterwards it will be life. As long ago Youth and Love did triumph for Dodong and then Life. Dodong looked wistfully at his young son in the moonlight. He felt extremely reprehensible and sorry for him. Characters 1. Dodong main character of the story who got married at the age of 17 2. Teang regretted marrying at an early age 3. Lucio Teangs other suitor who got married after she did and whos childless until now 4. Blas Dodong and Teangs oldest son who followed their footsteps in the end.Blas contemplated to marry Tona when he was 18 5. Tona woman whom Blas wants to marry. Summary Dodong wanted to marry Teang and asked his f athers permission. Thinking that since they are young, their love would be short, he allowed them to get married. After nine months, Teang gave birth to a child named Blas. For six consecutive years, a new child came along. Teang did not complain even thought she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even wondered if she would have the same life if Lucio, her other suitor who was nine years older than Dodong, was the one she married.Lucio has had no children since the time he married. When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like they were fifty. When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona. Dodong did not object, but tried to make Blas think twice before rushing to marriage because Dodong doesnt want Blas to end up like him. *** It simply tells the story of an older person who made a mistake in the past who ended up with a not so pleasurable life. Then he had a son who is like him when he was young. His son is hasty in making the dec ision to get married, just like he was when he was 17. Despite this, Dodong did not and
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Beijing Market Entry Strategy
capital of Red chinaware trade access strategy for Frozen regimen This survey aims to analyze the entry of wintry Beijing market. Use a mill analysis approach analyzes the companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The report has identified a merchandise strategy of entry that will help our company to enter the market effectively. Contains 1 Summary of the company 2 Frozen market in Beijing 3 SWOT analysis 4 Marketing strategy suggested input. Summary of the company Our rigid nutriment company is only imaginary for this work.This is a company that wants to enter the Beijing market and it conducts a study to define the entry strategy. Our company sells in all kinds of frigid food from cans to larger products. For now only work in europium and we ar planning to expand in the world soon. Frozen market in Beijing The glacial food market in Beijing is presently booming in China is expected to grow 16. 1 billion in 2012, mainly concentrated in big cities lik e Beijing and Hong Kong. The one-year demand for frozen products is festering around a 3-4% in Beijing, provided by Datamonitor 2009Is such an join on, now, ASIAN SEAFOOD exposure has a tonic section called Frozen Food Asia, there is provided a forum for buyers to be face to face with suppliers of frozen food in several categories, which are the most important Ready meals, Chilled and frozen meat products, Frozen fish, Seafood, Vegetables, Potato products, Fruit, Pizza, Bakery products, Cheese, Ice cream, Desserts SWOT ANALYSIS As our company wants to expand and take advantage of the boom that is taking frozen food in Beijing, you need to analyze the market.This section analyzes the company in terms of market Beijing adopting the SWOT approach. Strengths Weaknesses High Quality Products Poor prevail systemExistence of large companies in the sectorUnfamiliar brand Opportunities Threats Rise of frozen food in Beijing Growing Rising raw material prices Strengths High Quality Products For the instruction of our products use high quality raw materials. It is this Which Helps the holding company its competitive advantages. Undoubtedly This value will make the company easy to Developing its naked market. Weaknesses Poor Operate systemThe control overhead is one of the weaknesses that impede the growth of the company. Investment in research and advertising are very low in relation to its competitors. Also the management system of the company is also quite poor. Existence of largue companies in the sector There are already large companies in the Beijing market, and this is very opposed to seize important part of the market share. Unfamiliar brand Being a brand new, we have the problem that we are not kn suffer, and this makes it difficult for the company at first, because it affects sales. Opportunities Rise of frozen food in Beijing GrowingWe know that the frozen food market is constantly growing in Beijing, this will affect very positively to our company . Threats Rising raw material prices With the price of basic food and feed commodities on the rise, food manufacturers are increasingly facing pressure on their margins. In our company we use basic raw materials in large amounts. If raw material prices continual rise, it would then lead to increased pressure on the companys margins. MARKETING PLAN FOR THE FROZEN FOOD COMPANY Expand into the market for frozen food Beijing can succeed, because other companies already have.But for this we must make a general strategy and go step by step with the plans. The strategy refers to the establishment of feedback regarding the traditional values of the company. This calls for new product innovation strategy, dispersal channels, sales promotion and development of new markets as well. The entrance to the Chinese market frozen food, in particular, requires that the plan adequately prepared as presented below. The process of globalisation has witnessed the rapid growth of international activiti es (Frank 1994).Once a firm expands its operations outside the borders of its own nation-state and outside the dominance of its own home finis, the influence of the host countries national cultures becomes reality (Fatehi 1996). Conducting business across international boundaries requires interaction with people and their organizations nurtured in dissimilar cultural environments (Kale and Barnes, 1992). Therefore the need for knowledge and understanding of the social-cultural difference between host country and home country becomes of paramount importance.For most Hesperian people, China is still a mystic country owing to its cultural features being completely different from those of western countries (Ghauri et al, 2001). Indeed, the traditional Chinese culture, in which Confucian ism is dominant, is a high context culture, which is opposite to western culture which is low context. It also has its own incredibly complex Chinese condition (guo qing), which always confuses weste rn people (Ghauri et al, 2001). All of these make western negotiators feel difficult and confused when they negotiate with Chinese negotiators.Many failed negotiations are caused by the poor understanding of Chinese culture or lacking of awareness of the Chinese business negotiation style (Kirkbride, Tang Westwood, 1998). This is why more and more scholars are studying Sino-Western Business talks in order to be more effective in negotiations with Chinese. CHOOSING A STRATEGY FOR ENTRY IN THE MARKET Choosing appropriate entry strategy To equalize with its counterparts, our company has missed an early chance to develop the Chinese market. However, it may enjoy the advantages over the follower strategy in terms of initial market costs and questionable effectiveness.Indeed, for pioneer entrants, some factors such as demand uncertainty, entry scale, advertising intensity, entry time of followers, and the scope of the economy are all risk. Now for Our Frozen Food Company, it is more ea sily to develop effective entry strategy into the emerging market in Beijing. Moreover, studies have demonstrated that those innovative late entrants grow faster than pioneers and have higher market potentials and repeat sales rates. Moreover, they can slow the pioneers growth and reduce its marketing spending effectiveness.Nonetheless, in doing so as innovative late entrants, apart from the above mentioned general innovation strategy, the company needs to study how to build its distribution channel in short order and to develop it market share. In so doing, an effective way is to set up joint venture by the Frozen Food Company for to find an appropriate counterpart to merge it and use its distribution channel and factories. This strategy has been evidenced by many examples. finish This work has analysed the FROZEN FOOD COMPANY case, to look at its entry strategy to Beijing of frozen food market.Although our company currently runs smoothly, it has to seek for new income point if it is fighting survival in the future. The Beijing frozen food market as an emerging market, although it is also competitive, provides a great potential to increase income. The company have its key strengths in developing new market, and it is right time to think about its future. However, the weaknesses accompanied with the company could be risk in developing new market, as well as external environment. In general, our company may make success in entry to Beijing frozen food market if following a proper marketing strategy.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Frankenstein Final Essay
Frankenstein Final Essay When referring to the following quote utter by Harold Bloom, The greatest paradox and most astonishing achievement of Mary Shelleys novel is that the daemon is more than adult male than his creator. I agree with his statement because its vivid to see that Victor lacked on some human characteristics such as emotions and feelings. Despite the fact that after being treated the mien he was by others, the ogre seeks revenge for Victors defection and for making him an unbearable stab to be seen by mankind.Throughout the novel, the creature seeks revenge by killing Victors love one(a)s one by one. In Chapter 11 when the monster is telling his tale to Victor he states, but I had hardly placed my foot within the door, before the children shrieked, and one of the women faintedand fearfully took refuge in a low hovel Yet, after seeing the dark side of the monster Victor is still un-human for his abandonment of his creation. Its a horrible thing to abandon one s creation and genuinely brutish to leave a defenseless thing roams about by itself in the world and hoping that it will fade soon.Victor was wrong to abandon his creation because of its appearances he didnt bother to get to know the poor monster. The generator did a great job making the reader feel more sorrow for the monster than for Victor. The monster has been attacked and hurt for doing either nothing at all or helping others. What made the monster more human is Victors thirst for the secret to expand life. He was too involved in the making of his creation that he stopped at nothing at all. Not even for those bodies that were resting in peace in their grave.The most disturbing aspect of the novel was the part when Victor visit sculpture in the middle of the night and start detaching several dead body without a sense of hesitation. all(prenominal) night Victor would visit the cemetery to dig up fresh body parts and he would take what he finds stick out to his lab and reat tach them together to make the monster. This is very low for any human being. Referring back to the beginning of the story, the monster was never from the start as a violent, aggressive monster alternatively he was very sweet and generous. The monster shows far more human qualities then Victor Frankenstein.Like both human being in this planet needs a partner or at least somebody that accept them or love them, this specific trait Victor lacked. Victor also toss out his family to continue with his creation. He did not once bother to take a minute to write back to his neither father nor Elizabeth. He would much rather keep on working then induce time to those that love him. On the other hand, the monster after running away several times, has eternally wanted someone who loves him for who he is. The creature in fact, expresses his feelings far more than this own creator.Victor was often tone ending insane in his mind and could not describe his emotion toward Elizabeth or anybody in his case. The monster was very sympathetic towards Victor because even though he dragged him from places to place, the monster always helps him stay alive by providing him food. All and all the creature is definitely more human than his own creator. There be umteen key traits for being classified as a human. In this case, to be human one mustiness have a heart that feels kindness towards anything, show sympathy and being humane. Even human are not human just because they lacked in multiple traits.
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