Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Arizona’s Immigration Law Essay - 988 Words
It is clear that illegal immigration has gotten out of control and constringent measures need to be taken to protect the United States borders. The local Government of Arizona recently decided to take control of the situation, by passing the â€Å"Support our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act†{House Bill 2162}. This bill gives law enforcement officers and agencies the authority, to lawfully stop, detain and arrest anyone who appears to look like an illegal alien. The bill out-right condones racial profiling and it violates civil rights, as well! Home Land security statistics on immigration verifies that there are approximately 11 million illegal immigrants who reside in the United States. In Arizona, there is an estimate of 460,000†¦show more content†¦In addition, State Senator Russell Pearce (R) seems to be quite friendly with J.T Ready who is known member of the Neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement. His association to the White Supremacist, J. T Ready has caused citizens to question his motivation behind the new immigration law (Beirich Heidi). Kris Kobach the main legal mind behind Arizona’s new immigration law, in the past has been associated with racial profiling. Kobach was U.S Attorney John Ashcroft’s leading Advisor on immigration. He invented the â€Å"National Security Entry-Exit Registration System†{NSEERS}. The program was developed to closely observe Arab and Muslim Men; and sometimes U.S citizens. On December 1 2003, NSEERS was suspended. The termination was due to allegations of racial profiling and discrimination which violates civil rights. In April 2010, Kris Kobach and Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, was accused of racial profiling. These allegations led to a federal grand jury investigation. Kris Kobach is currently an attorney for legal arm for the Federation of American Immigration Reform {FAIR}. FAIR is listed as an anti-immigrant hate group since 2007 by SPLC. It is considered a hate group; it received donations of $1.2 million from Pioneer Fund a foundation that wa s established by Nazi affiliates (Bauer Mary). The Legal Director of Southern Poverty Law Center {SPLC} has implied that Kris Kobach is an anti-immigration lawyer and racist in several articles. JanetShow MoreRelated Arizonas Laws on Immigration Essay1231 Words  | 5 PagesArizonas Laws on Immigration Works Cited Not Included In the article titled Dying to Work there is an excellent quote given by Rep. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Strategic Operations Management Case Study - 1788 Words
MGMT7.04 Strategic Operations Management Case Study 1 Due Date: 20.03.2015 Structure 1. Introduction 3 2. Hagen Style’s important operations resources 3 3. Hagen Style’s market requirements 4 4. Courses of action 5 4.1 Three alternative courses of action 5 4.2 Evaluation and justification of courses of action 6 5. Recommendation 6 References 8 List of figures 8 1. Introduction Hagen Style was a firm which sold kitchen equipment, tableware and small gadgets. It was a very strong and lucrative company in Europe. Selling its products through department stores, Hagen Style developed as a trendsetting firm with regarding to direct marketing operations. Hagen Style engaged a number of tactics which allowed them to work al†¦show more content†¦Hagen Style was delivering the final product packed in a box back to the representatives and the representatives were handing down the orders to consumers. The upside to this was that Hagen Style’s carriers did not need to deliver directly to individual costumers. The company could also provide a fast throughput regarding their packing technology. Hagen Style distinguished themselves in their fulfilment operations. They provided a fast processing chain with far fewer packing errors, where mistakes were soon revealed through weighing of the packed boxes. All in all they were offering a really fast pass through their process chain from ordering to dispatch. (Nigel Slack, Operations Strategy, 2008) (Nigel Slack, Operations Strategy, 2008) Figure 1: Hagen Style s important operations resources 3. Hagen Style’s market requirements Hagen Style’s sales tactic was to work with a big network of representatives who were personally selling kitchen products to consumers in their homes or at public places. The market changed and the tactic did not work anymore. The target market made it clear that traditional representative sale channels were declining in popularity. New channels were born and selling with representatives was no longer as profitable as it was at the beginning for Hagen Style. Even though this selling process was very cost efficient and provided a fast delivery, it no longer worked well when the market changed. Consumer demandShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Globalization On The Business Environment1356 Words  | 6 Pagesorganizations are expected to exploit their strategic abilities, adapt and seek improvements in every area of the business, building on awareness and understanding of current strategies. They must be able to quickly act in response to opportunities and barriers (Papulova Papulova, 2006). This turbulence has made several firms come to rely on alliances as strategic necessities for sustaining competitive advantage and creating customers value (Dyer, 2002). 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Pro Con Gay Marriage Free Essays
Pros of gay marriage: Two People who love eachother should be able to publicly celebrate their commitment Equality is protected in the due process clause in the constitution ( Constitutional Right) Same sex marriage helps adoption 100,000 children in the united states are waiting to be adopted! Refusing people the right to marry causes psychological damages ( this effects society in a negative way) Access to hospitals and care ( Marriage benefits healthcare coverage) Marriage has been changing over the years ( interracial marriage) there is no one definition for Marriage Massachussets was the first state to legalize gay marriage and they have the lowest divorce rate ( highest divorce rates occur in the states that have the more strict â€Å"gay†laws If marriages sole purpose is to procreate than why are infertile couples granted the right to still marry It doesn’t hurt society or anyone in particular. The only thing that should matter in marriage is love Denying them is a violation of religious freedom (civil and religious marriages are two separate institutions). Born gay argument : â€Å"Although all people in all societies with rare exceptions are socialized to be heterosexual, the predictable, universal appearance of homosexual persons, despite socialization into heterosexual patterns of behavior suggest not only that homosexual orientation is biologically based but that sexual orientation itself is also biologically derived. We will write a custom essay sample on Pro Con Gay Marriage or any similar topic only for you Order Now Experiences argument: â€Å"While there are different theories about how the sexual orientation develops, experts in the human sexuality field do not believe that premature sexual experiences play a significant role in late adolescent or adult sexual orientation. †Mental disorders DEBUNKED!!! â€Å"Psychologists, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals agree that homosexuality is not an illness, mental disorder or an emotional problem. Over 35 years of objective, well-designed scientific research has shown that homosexuality, in and [of] itself, is not associated with mental disorders or emotional or social problems. When researchers examined data about these people who were not in therapy, the idea that homosexuality was a mental illness was quickly found to be untrue Con’s of gay marriage: The institution of marriage has been defined as the union between a man and a woman ( Supreme court decision (oct 15 1971 baker v nelson) – definition has some connection with the book of genesis It may cause a slippery slope effect where people who are into beastiality and other â€Å"taboo†relationships could seek the right to marry if gay is allowed. People who are against gay marriage should not have to support something with tax dollars they find wrong such as health benefits for gay couples ( extending to gay couples would result in 596 million dollars being spent plus an additional 302 million) Children being raised in a same sex home would not be provided an optimum environment because they need mother and father rearing ( studies link to earlier sexual activity also a report was done the American psychological review? Children raised with gay parents were more likely to become gay themselves) Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples because homosexual relationships have nothing to do with procreation. Allowing gay marriage would only further shift the purpose of marriage from producing and raising children to adult gratification. Marriage is a religious right According to a July 31, 2003 statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by Pope John Paul II, marriage â€Å"was established by the Creator with its own nature, essential properties and purpose. No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that marriage solely exists between a man and a woman. Most religions consider homosexuality a sin. It would further weaken the traditional family values essential to our society. It confuses children about gender roles and expectations of society, and only a man woman can pro-create The gay lifestyle is not something to be encouraged, as a lot of research shows it leads to a much lower life expectancy, psychological disorders, and other problems BORN GAY: NO!! What is clear, however, is that the scientific attempts to demonstrate that omosexual attraction is biologically determined have failed. The major researchers now prominent in the scientific arena-themselves gay activists-have in fact arrived at such conclusions. There is no support in the scientific research for the conclusion that homosexuality is biologically determined. †Concerns for parenting and childhood : A good relationship with the same-sex parent m eets a child’s psychological needs for love, worth and affirmation as a boy or a girl. Where there is a lack of affirmation or even rejection, these legitimate needs are not met. If a girl’s femininity is unaffirmed, she may come to believe that she is unacceptable to her mother and therefore to women in general. In an attempt to fill the hole in her heart, she may look to other women for acceptance, perhaps even hoping (at a subconscious level) to gain femininity by association. Puberty later eroticizes these emotional needs, adding a sexual dimension. †http://gaymarriage. procon. org/ http://www. balancedpolitics. org/same_sex_marriages. htm http://borngay. procon. org/view. resource. php? resourceID=000005 How to cite Pro Con Gay Marriage, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel free essay sample
I know you wanted a college essay written by one person, but this has been written by threein a way.I like to think the different aspects of me are different people sometimes; Nathaniel, Nathan, and Nate.That is partly why I dread the first day of school, where the most difficult assignment is to pack all of my identity and qualities into one short paragraph to read in front of the class or describe myself in a mere three words.So here I am describing myself as three people instead. To my parents I am Nathaniel: the full name means Gods given.I was named that because after years of trying repeatedly and after seven miscarriages, just when my parents were about to give up, they were finally were able to conceive their first child together.As Nathaniel, I embrace the fact I am the child of Haitian immigrants and the first generation of my family to be born in America with abundant opportunities in comparison to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My parents are constantly pushing me to take the hardest courses; advanced placement classes, honors classes, and learn all I can and to not waste this opportunity now.My parents look at me as a gift and I do not intend to prove them wrong. Nathan is who my friends see most often.Nathan is that impulsive thought in your head, adventurous at times, and clever.Nathan is Class Vice President, the affable assistant teacher at the daycare where the kids love him, and the skater.Nathan is the one willing to try anything once and does everything Nathaniel thought he would not do.As a young black man in America, Nathan will not be categorized as yet another stereotype based on my appearance; I do not let anyone’s words or actions dictate what I supposedly â€Å"should†be, and this is critical if I am to continue on my path to success. Nate is more of a daydreamer, the quiet kid in the class who loves wearing comfortable hoodies and is rather introverted.When I am Nate I imagine myself being the best at what I do.When I slip into my daydreams I am not just a student taking advanced painting, I am a revolutionary artist who has painted colors never before seen.I am not just an outside hitter on the volleyball team, I am an Olympian who has broken all types of records.My dreams arent a sign of laziness.Rather, through daydreams I see different perspectives and realities and they give me something to aspire to and help me relate to others.When I awake I am renewed and ready to take another shot to make a daydream a reality. Trust me, I am not going through an identity crisis because at the end of the day the three of us are me, myself, and I.Every â€Å"person†is just the result me evolving based upon my experiences. I do not have a tragic backstory to tell you; I grew up in a diverse town with loving family and friends, and great opportunities, and I’m just another guy trying to get out into the world and become the best version of myself.
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