Saturday, August 31, 2019
Families And Students Rights To Confidentiality Education Essay
Given households ‘ and pupils ‘ rights to confidentiality, what would you make in the undermentioned state of affairss? ( 1 ) Teachers are discoursing pupils and their households during tiffin in the instructor ‘s sofa. ( 2 ) you notice that the pupils ‘ records in your school are kept in an unsupervised country? Keeping confidentiality is one of the most of import occupations of all instructors. Guidelines for confidentiality to protect pupils and households rights are outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act every bit good as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ( Salend, 2008, p. 178 ) . In state of affairs figure one I would near the other instructors and inquire them if they are cognizant that they are go againsting the confidentiality of the pupils and households that they are discoursing. Then I would explicate to them that as instructors we are expected to maintain information about the lives of our pupils and their households private and the lone clip that information about pupils and their households should be discussed is in a meeting that has been set up to be after something for that specific pupil and household. In state of affairs figure two I would talk in private with the rule of the school and voice my concerns with him about the privateness of pu pils ‘ records at the school. I would explicate to him that I believed that the records should be kept in a location where they are supervised in order to protect the privateness of the pupils ‘ information. If the records are kept in an unsupervised location so person who should non hold entree to see the records may be able to. Think about several individuals you talk to on a regular basis. How do their communicating manners differ in footings of oculus contact, delay clip, word significances, facial and physical gestures, voice quality, personal infinite, and physical contact? How make these differences affect you? How do you set your communicating manner to suit these differences? What are some other schemes you could utilize to advance effectual communicating? Harmonizing to the text edition, communicating manners and forms vary from civilization to civilization and things such as â€Å" oculus contact, delay clip, word significances, facial and physical gestures, voice quality and tone, personal infinite, and physical contact have different significances and intents in assorted civilizations †( Salend, 2008, p. 185 ) . On a regular footing the people that I talk to include my coworkers, schoolmates, and professors. One of my coworkers is a really quiet individual and it frequently frustrates me when I am seeking to pass on with her. When she does speak to you she has a voice that is really quiet and hard to hear and she makes really small oculus contact with you and is normally looking towards the floor. In order to suit for the fact that she is really quiet and hard to understand, when I am speaking to her I try to do my conversations every bit brief as possible and when inquiring inquiries I try to inquire them in ways that she can react with brief replies. A few of my other coworkers on the other manus are really vocal, animated, and tend to occupy personal infinite when speaking. These features are besides sometimes hard to cover with and may acquire raging. When pass oning with these persons I tend to take the more inactive function and allow them make the speaking and I will give responses when they present me with an chance to speak. One manner that I think I could advance effectual communicating between myself and my quiet coworker is by composing a note when I have a inquiry for her. By supplying her with the chance to compose her response instead than holding to talk to me may be more comfy for her. Chapter 5 How are individuals with disablements and those from assorted cultural and lingual backgrounds pictured in books, telecasting shows, films, and sketchs? How make these portraitures affect you and your pupils ‘ apprehension and credence of single differences? How can you assist learn credence? Although there are some books, telecasting shows, films and sketchs that portray persons with disablements every bit good as people from different civilizations and lingual backgrounds in positive ways the bulk of these beginnings portray these persons in negative, disrespectful, and degrading ways. Children are strongly influenced by what they see on Television and what they read in books. Therefore kids who view these negative portraitures of persons with disablements and different cultural and lingual backgrounds are really likely to see the negative portraitures as being true and make jobs with their credence of these persons. As instructors, making a positive schoolroom that promotes credence of everyone is really of import. The text edition explains that there is a assortment of attitude alteration and information-sharing schemes that can assist advance positive attitudes towards everyone in your schoolroom ( Salend, 2008, p. 203 ) . Some of the cardinal factors in doing these schemes successful include: sing all individuals as capable persons with alone personalities, qualities, likes, disfavors, strengths, and challenges ; advancing the position that similarities and differences are natural and positive and that we all benefit from diverseness and appreciating single differences ; furthering sensitiveness instead than understanding ; supplying information, direct contact, and experiences that portion of import information about and counter stereotyped positions of others perceived as different ; and prosecuting in actions that support others ( Salend, 2008, p. 203-204 ) . Think ( and react in composing ) about how you would react to the undermentioned state of affairss: Students are stating anti-Semetic gags ; utilizing footings such as Indian giver ; miming a pupil ‘s speech pattern ; denying their racial, cultural, or spiritual individualities ; badgering a male pupil who liked to run up. These are all state of affairss that would be uncomfortable and hard to cover with, nevertheless they are things that come up and something has to be done about them. In these state of affairss I would hold a schoolroom conversation with my pupils and inquire their sentiments on why they think that stating these things may be right or incorrect. I would so show my sentiments on these phrases or remarks and explain to my pupils why these remarks are unacceptable and should non be used. Some of the illustrations that the book provides for covering with insensitive and intolerant behaviours and remarks include set uping and pass oning policies and regulations against all Acts of the Apostless of intolerance and exclusion, placing Acts of the Apostless of intolerance and why they are unacceptable, clear uping to pupils that these behaviours will non be tolerated, instantly reacting to incidents of intolerance and supplying direct effects, following up on the incidents, and describing the incidences to decision makers and other professionals for support on turn toing the issue ( Salend, 2008, p.225-226 ) . Chapter 6 What larning schemes do you utilize? Are they successful? How did you larn them? What other larning schemes might be helpful to you? Harmonizing to the text edition, larning schemes are â€Å" techniques that Teach pupils how to larn, act, and win in academic and societal state of affairss †( Salend, 2008, p. 244 ) . One scheme that I use is when finishing assignments, such as this one, I read through all of the inquiries on the assignment foremost, and so I go back to the first inquiry and read it once more before I begin replying it. By pre-reading the full assignment foremost I get an thought of what I need to be believing about and so I can concentrate on the particular inside informations as I work on each single inquiry. When it comes to observe pickings, my scheme is to utilize slug points and compose down the of import parts of what the instructor is stating instead than seeking to rapidly compose every individual word that they are stating. For me all of my schemes seem to work because I tend to make good on my school assignment so something must be working right for me. One scheme that I found in the text edition that might assist when composing documents is the POW + TREE scheme ( Salend, 2008, p. 439 ) . The elements involved in this scheme are P: choice my thought, O: form my notes, W: write and state more, T: subject sentence and state what you believe, R: grounds three or more for why you believe this, Tocopherol: explain grounds, and Tocopherol: stoping ( Salend, 2008, p. 439-440 ) .
Friday, August 30, 2019
Classroom Management Observation Essay
Did you view the elementary or secondary video? * Elementary 1. Observation and Description A. Describe the observed classroom routines.The class starts with the children removing materials from their desk to get organized. Having the children remove all materials from their desk to organize them according to size teaches the children to have respect for their property and others. Next, the children go on a classroom tour. She also discusses the procedure for signing books in and out of the classroom library. Next, she describes the procedures for if students want to borrow materials off the teacher’s desk. The students must always ask. Then, the children go over the schedule, so they know, what to expect throughout the school day. After that, the children learn the importance of attending school on a daily basis. Next, the teacher has the students’ line up. The first time students are required to line up; the teacher explains the procedure and the reason. Then the teacher discusses signing in and out procedures for going to the office, the restroom, and the nurse station. The students must sign out, print their name on the appropriate line, and circle the place they are going, then put the time, and take a pass. The students learn that they have more freedom in the third grade than second, because they no longer have to ask to get water at the water fountain and sharpen pencils, as long as there is no one else at the water fountain, or the pencil sharpener. Finally, the students learn the procedures for getting crayons and other materials. The same rules apply as long as no one is at the crayon or material station the students can go ahead and get crayons. The students must grab a basket, grab a handful of crayons for the basket, and go quietly back to their seats. This will decrease classroom interruptions and will gain a sense of trust between the students and the teacher. B. Describe the implementation methods of routines in the ob served classroom. The teacher implements the methods of routines as she would any other subject. For example, if the teacher were teaching math, she would describe it, explain it, and then have the children practice it. In the video, the teacher described to the students how they would line up, then she explained why they would line up that way, and then she let the children practice. 2. Analysis, Exploration and Reasoning A. Predict students’ level of engagement with the observed classroom routines.The students level of engagement is high the children are enthusiastic about learning what the teacher expects of them. Later in the school year, I predict that the student will have the same level of engagement as from the first day of school. The children will know what the teacher expect of them, regarding routines and procedures. The routines and procedures will become more of a habit. B. Analyze a possible purpose for the observed classroom routine. The purpose for the children removing all items from their desk and organizing them according to size is so that the children will know where all books and materials are at all times. This will decrease the amount of classroom disruptions, because the children will not have to go back and forth to their book bags and other areas of the classroom to get materials. The materials are in an organized area in the desk. 3. Connections to other teaching practices A. Explain the purpose of the observed classroom routines as they relate to the learning environment.The purpose of having the children take a classroom tour is to familiarize themselves with centers and materials so the children will know exactly where to go when they need certain things, which will cause less classroom disruptions. The observed routines relates to an improved learning environment for the classroomThe purpose for removing materials from their desk to get organized is to teach students to have respect for their pro perty, themselves, and others. Having respect for their property and others improves the learning environment because each student will strive to act in a respectable manner by having respect for themselves and their surroundings, which in turn, will decrease the amount of classroom disruptions. Next, the children go on a classroom tour. She also discusses the procedure for signing books in and out of the classroom library. Having the students sign books in and out of the classroom library teaches students the importance of returning items back to their correct placement, which relates to improving the learning environment because keeping items neat, organized in their correct placement is essential for a learning environment to thrive. Next, she describes the procedures for if students want to borrow materials off the teacher’s desk. The students must always ask. This teaches the student to never take anything without asking and again to have respect for their property and others, which in turn improves th e learning environment, if everyone ask before taking something of someone else. Next, the teacher has the students’ line up. The first time students are required to line up; the teacher explains the procedure and the reason. The teacher has the student to quie line up quietly, by size to see and account for all students as the students walk through the hall. This improves the learning environment because the teacher is responsible for the whereabouts of all students so seeing each child is important to have a successful learning environment. The students must remain quiet as they walk through the hall so they will not disturb other students. Then the teacher discusses signing in and out procedures for going to the office, the restroom, and the nurse station. Having the students sign in and out teaches how important it is to let the teacher know their whereabouts. This also teaches responsibility. It is crucial for the teacher to know the whereabouts of all students in their class at all times, having the students sign in and out keeps track of all whereabouts and the time, which improves the learning environment. The students learn that they have more freedom in the third grade than second, because they no longer have to ask to get water at the water fountain and sharpen pencils, as long as there is no one else at the water fountain, or the pencil sharpener. This creates a sense of trust between the students and the teacher, which improves behavior because the students will not want to abuse the trust. Gaining trust improves behaviors, and good behaviors improve the learning environment and give students an abundance of opportunities to learn. Finally, the students learn the procedures for getting crayons and other materials. The same rules apply as long as no one is at the crayon or material station the students can go ahead and get crayons. The students must grab a basket, grab a handful of crayons for the basket, and go quietly back to their seats. This will decrease classroom interruptions and will gain a sense of trust between the students and the teacher, which improves the learning environment. Students’ transitions many times throughout out the day, from entering school, to going to breakfast, to leaving the lunchroom, to entering class. Transitions between activities can be challenging and stressful for students, but with organization and key expectations, teachers will eliminate a lot of chaos during these transitions. K–8 Situations 1. Beginning of the day: Class is starting A. enter classroom, the children will find seat B. empty book bag, organize desk C. hangs up book bag, sit quietly wait for instructions to begin tasks 2. End of the day: Going home A. get book bag off hanger place books needed for homework in book bag B. clean up desk and area around desk C. Sit and remain quietly until the teacher calls your way of transportation 3. Transition between activities: Moving to centers A. At the signal (dims the lights) the students to end activity; students begin putting materials away for the current assignment. B. Students clean up and take out materials from next assignment C. when the teacher turns back on the light, students must be in their seat quietly ready to begin next activity. 4. Distribution of materials: Getting crayons off shelf A. makes sure no one is at crayon station B. WALK over to the crayon station, grab a basket, and take a handful of crayons C. return quietly to your desk 5. Field trip: unloading the bus A. get off the bus on the field trip, make sure you are with your partner B. listens to ALL directions C. stay in designated groups 6. Recess: Going to the gym A. Line up quietly for recess B. Walk quietly down the hall to gym or designated area for the day C. Listen for directions for activities for the day 7. Fire or disaster drills: exiting the building in the event of fire A. When the alarm sounds, the students will quickly line up in front of the door B. Listen for the teacher to call your row C. Walk quickly and quietly a line, listen for directions from your teacher What teachers do at the beginning of the school year to organize their rooms and establish a management system influences what happens throughout the rest of the year. Routines are the stamina of daily classroom life. The routines above are vital in order for your class to run smoothly. In the beginning of the day, when class is starting it is important for the children to enter class find their seat, empty book bags and organize their desk quietly so that the teacher can take attendance and notate how many children attended the class that day. At the end of the day, when the children are going home, it is important for the students to get book bag off hanger place books needed for homework in book bag, clean up desk and area around desk, sit, and remain quietly until the teacher calls your way of transportation. This is important so that all students to get home safely on the appropriate way of transportation. When transitioning between activities such as moving to centers, it is appropriate for student to end the current activity quickly to get started with the next. Time management is important throughout the school day since all activities are time-sensitive. When a student needs, materials such as crayons it is appropriate for the students to wait until the teacher call their row before proceeding to the material station. If a student needs crayons individually, then it’s important that the student make sure there is no one else at the station before he or she proceeds to get crayons. By waiting for the teacher to call your row or by making sure no one else is at the crayon station this will ensure the ease of all students getting material because this routine controls traffic flow in the classroom and will decrease classroom disruption. When the children go on a field trip and have to unload the bus it is appropriate for the students to follow all the routines so that the teacher and parent helpers can make sure all students are accounted for and no one is lost. When the children have recess and go to the gym it is appropriate that all students remain quietly and walk in a straight line so hallway traffic is controlled. The children should also remain quiet so they do not disturb other classrooms. Finally, in the event of a fire, it is appropriate that when the alarm sounds, the students will quickly line up in front of the door, listen for the teacher to call your row, walk quickly and quietly a line, listen for directions from your teacher. This will ensure the safety of all teachers and students.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Browning Peal Essay
This is because they represent natural beauty that has been created by God, which compliments the woman Browning is talking about because it shows his feelings on how he believes they don’t have to try to be beautiful. Roses also represent love and passion, the colour red is an intimate colour that represents seduction and sometimes danger as seen in ‘Of Mice and Men’ where Curley’s wife is referred to as having â€Å"full rouged lips†and â€Å"red fingernails†. The thorns on roses continues this theme of potential risk, because the simple idea of men picking roses for women could injure the man due to the thorns on the stem, this could represent how men have to fight past the hard things in love to get to the beauty or the woman. In ‘Women and Roses’, Browning also uses roses as a representation of the stages through a woman’s life going into womanhood and how she grows from a young shoot full of promise to something incredibly beautiful and natural and eventually to an old and wilted flower, â€Å"bees pass it unimpeached†. The poem is about finding perfect love with a woman, which is represented as finding a rose with no thorns, thorns being the trouble in a relationship or a woman. Browning wrote ‘Prospice’ after his beloved wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, died in 1861. The poem shows Browning’s beliefs on death and how he feels that he will once again be reunited with his love in the afterlife. The title ‘Prospice’ can be translated as ‘look forward’, and in this poem, published in 1864, Browning is most likely looking forward to death, when he expects ‘I will clasp thee again’, meaning he will be with Elizabeth once more. Such optimism seems to contrast noticeably with the religious doubt or searching of many Victorian writers. But Browning does not claim that there is anything easy about facing death, instead he shows one way of coping. He gives the ‘Arch Fear’, death, a ‘visible form’ so that he can imagine taking him on in one last fight to show that he will not be taken easily, ‘Barriers’ and ‘guerdon’ suggest a tournament took place. In ‘A Woman’s Last Word’ Browning uses Roman numerals to show the breaking down of a omplex subject such as a woman’s feelings after an argument. By doing this it makes it easier for the reader to follow and distinguish the different stages of feelings the character goes through and also shows the changes in direction of her attitude until she reaches submission towards her love. This is a good technique used as he wrote the poem from a woman’s point of view and has gone into a lot of detail on how she feels and reacts to the argument. Browning Peal Essay This is because they represent natural beauty that has been created by God, which compliments the woman Browning is talking about because it shows his feelings on how he believes they don’t have to try to be beautiful. Roses also represent love and passion, the colour red is an intimate colour that represents seduction and sometimes danger as seen in ‘Of Mice and Men’ where Curley’s wife is referred to as having â€Å"full rouged lips†and â€Å"red fingernails†. The thorns on roses continues this theme of potential risk, because the simple idea of men picking roses for women could injure the man due to the thorns on the stem, this could represent how men have to fight past the hard things in love to get to the beauty or the woman. In ‘Women and Roses’, Browning also uses roses as a representation of the stages through a woman’s life going into womanhood and how she grows from a young shoot full of promise to something incredibly beautiful and natural and eventually to an old and wilted flower, â€Å"bees pass it unimpeached†. The poem is about finding perfect love with a woman, which is represented as finding a rose with no thorns, thorns being the trouble in a relationship or a woman. Browning wrote ‘Prospice’ after his beloved wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, died in 1861. The poem shows Browning’s beliefs on death and how he feels that he will once again be reunited with his love in the afterlife. The title ‘Prospice’ can be translated as ‘look forward’, and in this poem, published in 1864, Browning is most likely looking forward to death, when he expects ‘I will clasp thee again’, meaning he will be with Elizabeth once more. Such optimism seems to contrast noticeably with the religious doubt or searching of many Victorian writers. But Browning does not claim that there is anything easy about facing death, instead he shows one way of coping. He gives the ‘Arch Fear’, death, a ‘visible form’ so that he can imagine taking him on in one last fight to show that he will not be taken easily, ‘Barriers’ and ‘guerdon’ suggest a tournament took place. In ‘A Woman’s Last Word’ Browning uses Roman numerals to show the breaking down of a omplex subject such as a woman’s feelings after an argument. By doing this it makes it easier for the reader to follow and distinguish the different stages of feelings the character goes through and also shows the changes in direction of her attitude until she reaches submission towards her love. This is a good technique used as he wrote the poem from a woman’s point of view and has gone into a lot of detail on how she feels and reacts to the argument.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
How Benjamin Franklin's audience and purpose for writing The Research Proposal
How Benjamin Franklin's audience and purpose for writing The Autobiography affected his writing style for that particular text - Research Proposal Example audience to construct â€Å"The Autobiography†, blending rational discussion with an almost jovial tone in order to ensure that his intended message was delivered and received by the reader. It is clear that Franklin is intending to deliver the message of the evils of tyrannical leadership, the necessity for education and social improvement, and to suggest the importance of religious doctrine (even to the non-believer) as a means of honoring the precepts of wisdom, hard work, and divinity. These were likely common themes amongst a society which was only just beginning to establish its own social and moral code of living and end a long-standing reliance on foreign rulers to experience technological and social improvements. It is important to describe the audience of this particular time period who Franklin continuously attempted to reach through his moral and ethical writings. Franklin, himself, maintained a bladder calculus which caused urinary tract problems. Franklin discovered that his only solution to this problem was to stand upon his head in order to allow the calculus deposit to fall away from the opening of the bladder so that he could urinate (St. James and Spiro, 28). Franklin’s medical condition might not appear to be relevant to the writing style of his work â€Å"The Autobiography†, however it is highly-connected to the social beliefs of the time period where understandings of life (medicine, technology, etc.) were only in their infant stages compared to modern technological and social development. In addition, with newfound hope in progress and industry, the barrier between long-standing religious beliefs on God and acceptable business practices was becoming blurred. It is likely through works such as â€Å"The Autobiography†where Ben Franklin was able to remind society that religious devotion and religious doctrine continues to ring true regardless of the level of individual belief in the divine and in what constituted acceptable worship
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Home depot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Home depot - Essay Example This is the reason for the creation of so much competition between both these stores, since both of them are finding the best ways to improve the service to the customers, which would play a very crucial role, in increasing the customer satisfaction, which would improve their business during such tough times. ( In the consumer’s mind there exist different types of gradation, for both Lowe’s and Home Depot. In the case of the Lowe’s stores consumers really believe that, there is a very good scope for the selection of the best products. They also feel that when compared to the Home Depot store, the Lowe’s store renders much better customer service. Most of the men and contractors get their needs satisfied through the Home Depot store that has resulted in the inflow of customers, mainly from these two sectors. In the case of Lowe’s, it has got the women as its main customers. Thus it is the differentiation of both these stores in the mind of the two genders, which has created the respective customer base. ( Though there is a huge inflow of customers into the Home Depot store, still there doesn’t exist any kind of consumer loyalty for both the stores.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Management research method Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Management research method - Assignment Example research topic â€Å"An exploratory investigation of the potential relationship between student learning styles, course grade, cumulative grade point average and selected demographics in on-line undergraduate business courses†is a well-structured and articulate topic, which is relevant to the current learning needs globally. With the current educational trend, online learning has become on the rise hence it would be viable to determine the effectiveness of online learning through a comparison to the traditional teaching method especially in relation to the business courses. The research was designed based on three critical hypothesis that were meant to be tested at the end of the research. Basing on the assumption that there is a significant effect of the learning style on the student achievement; in relation to the online versus the enrolled on-fine courses as well as there is a significant relationship between the learning style, age, gender and ethnicity of the students. The hypothesis used in designing the research is significant as it helps to validate the research topic making the testing of hypothesis the ultimate benchmark for research outcome. In the conduction of the research, data was collected through the use of a WebCT courseware to collect information from all the online courses examined in the study, while the learning style survey for college (LSSC) was employed to collect data for determining learning style of the college students. LSSC employed the use of 32 questions in the questionnaire to assess the learning style preferred by the students with a student data form used to collect the learning style, as well as other demographic information. The final grade for the semester was then used as a tool for assessment of the effectiveness of the various learning styles preferred by the students. Seventy-two participants were then sampled to represent the entire group of the learners thus providing the research with a good sample size that would
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The West Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The West - Term Paper Example Western culture also includes social norm’s heritage, political system. People involved in Western culture are very religious and believe in ethical and traditional values. It is also includes a mature political system. People in Western culture mostly use new technologies in their work. Western culture is also rich in art, music, tradition, folkloric, spiritual thinking, moral tradition, literary, philosophy, social values and many more. Their spiritual thinking is powered by Biblical-Christian and the cultures like art, music are introduced by Romanticisms. Many cultural values are developed in Post- Classical Era. Graeco Romans along with Renaissance influence the valuable culture like philosophy, literacy and tradition. It is also rich with heritages of Germanic, Slavic, and many ethical groups and Celtic. Because of its richness in literary, arts, music, philosophy and many other things Western culture is different from other area’s civilization. Most of the traditional knowledge is gained from Western Canon and it is one of the major parts of Western culture. Due to the effect of cold war our earth splits in three worlds. The world on the first position is referred to as West, the second part is given to Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union and the last part is the integration of different countries like Yugoslavia, India, China and many more. The Western part includes members of NATO and many other countries that are associated with united state. Many countries like Switzerland, Ireland, Austria and Sweden are not feeling comfortable because of the happening done during cold war. Finland remains under the control of military sphere of Soviet Union and many other remaining countries remain neutral because these countries were not communalist and they were not the member of Commence. Apart from this these neutral countries were the member of EFTA and follow the culture of Western civilization. Spain joined NATO after 1982 i.e. after the end of cold war
Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social Responsibility - Essay Example The supermarkets serve as the liaison between the manufacturers and consumers. The questions pertaining to corporate social responsibility are applicable to both the manufacturers and dispensers (or the supermarkets). The rest of this essay will ponder the question of how successful supermarkets in the UK have been in providing a sufficient range of products while also taking into consideration the long term consequences on people and environment. One of the issues related to corporate social responsibility is 'green consumption', meaning a consumption pattern that is ecologically sustainable. This translates into finding the right balance between "agricultural production and consumers, particularly the new food economy and the growth in sales of organic produce" (Gilg, Barr & Ford, 2005). Research conducted to understand the relation between citizen attitudes and responsible consumption reveals an interesting finding. In spite of most people in Britain saying that they are concerned about the environment and its health is of great importance to them, their consumption patterns remain unsustainable. ... If lack of creating awareness among consumers is a failure on part of the supermarkets, being direct contributors to environmental pollution is another criticism against supermarkets. Given that 74 percent of the retail sector in the UK is garnered by large supermarket stores, the amount of environmentally hazardous material such as plastic that they use for packaging and carry-bag needs is huge. But, some section of the sector has risen to the challenge and has erected strict rules related to plastic bags. As Lucy Neville-Rolfe states, "It is really to be welcomed that Tesco, Marks & Spencer, and some of the others, have taken sustainability seriously, and are trying to do more. But, if we want localism, variety of supply and smaller distribution chains, we want the big four supermarkets to grow less and we want more genuine choice in the high street. For instance, I read in the Guardian today about 300,000 carrier bags being fished out of the Thames on the Isle of Dogs. Why don't the leading supermarkets across UK do what the town of Modbury in Devon has done and say, "We are not going to give free carrier bags any more"'" (New Statesman, 8 Oct. 2007) Moreover, research also suggests that consumers are not entirely happy with the range of products being offered them. A common complaint among consumers is the lack of real meaningful variety among the merchandise on offer. This standardization of commodities is a phenomenon that is closely related to the 'lack of human touch' that has come to define the supermarket experience. But not all is negative about how supermarkets are perceived by the general public in the UK. With more supermarket chains in the UK taking social responsibility seriously, their endeavours in this direction have contributed to a
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Triple Bottom Line Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Triple Bottom Line - Assignment Example These components also assume three divisions that include people, planet, and profit. In an organization, these components are crucial for the sustainability of the organization. The components have a linkage, and an organization has to consider them for their business to thrive. The people component involves the benefits people or the community near the location of the organization. The organization should influence the community positively and not impact on it in a negative way. The organization should ensure it exploits anyone neither treat them inappropriately. The planet component deals with the effects an organization has on the environment (Slaper and Hall 2011). Some organization cause pollution either air, water or soil and these leaves the people suffering from diseases, and also this weighs heavily on the government to correct it. The government has to use the money to ensure environmental sustainability (Savitz and Weber 2012). They get the money from the taxpayers. Thus, the organization will be impacting negatively on the environment and the people. The profit component assesses the economic value of an organization its benefits to the society and also to itself. The Triple bottom line is relevant to any business as it evaluates the performance of any organization. It also helps to evaluate the future consequences that the organization will have to the society and the environment. All organizations should consider the triple bottom line when setting the organization's goals of sustainability.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Toshiba Overview and Global Presence Research Paper
Toshiba Overview and Global Presence - Research Paper Example Toshiba Overview and Global Presence This gives the company a global feel and as a result a competitive edge for its products. Toshiba is also listed in the stock exchange markets in London. The number of shareholders is approximately 457,467 holding a total of 423,760,000 shares (â€Å"Toshiba†). With an asset base of 69,893 million US dollars the company is led by Norio Sasaki together with the other company’s executives and together they have steered the company to success. With the wide range of products and outlets the company has established itself as one of the leading companies in the electronic business providing a wide variety of products. The global presence is an advantage that the competitors have been unable to penetrate successfully. A. Marketing Mix a) Product The company’s products and services are classified under three categories: computers and accessories, home appliances and consumer electronics. The company has a wide variety of innovative laptops, televisions, projectors, lapt op accessories and external hard drives. Business products include copiers, printers, scanners, semi-conductors, hard disk drives, surveillance equipment among others. Industrial products include automation systems, UPS, power systems, LED Display systems and industrial video products. Looking at the wide variety of products each targets a different niche of customers. The products are displayed in variety of showrooms in the various branches. The array of products is geared towards establishment and maintenance of a competitive edge against the competitors. ... The company comes up with new products that provide a wide range of solutions to businesses, industries and individuals as well. The company takes advantage of internet connectivity to conduct E-Commerce where they have come up with their own website. The website has comprehensive details about the company ranging from its products, sales, and policies in short anything you would want to know about a company. i. Cultural Factors Toshiba prides itself in having a strong safety and corporate culture which has been adhered to throughout the business operations. The company provides a plat form of sharing important information and the employees are aware of acceptable code of behavior. The company adopts the culture of employing people who are knowledgeable on current information about technical issues (Whittaker 15). In addition these people are also aware of the environmental issues which enable the company develop safe products. Their culture is flexible to suit the ever changing mark et conditions, with safety attitude being the most important. When taking risks the company’s employees are advised to follow strict guidelines when making risk decisions that affect products safety (Cutts 35). The success of the company has been largely attributed to safety decisions and products. ii. Customization vs. Standardization The choice of customization or standardization depends largely on the product. Toshiba has adopted a method where the customer specifies the features they want in a laptop. The customer will log into their website and choose want they want from wide variety of choices which include internal memory, size of the screen, and speed of the processor at an affordable price. They have also developed a list of
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Steel and Surface Preparation Essay Example for Free
Steel and Surface Preparation Essay What is meant by the tenn sliver? What is a hackle? Name two other tenns that could be used for anchor pattern? What are the main advantages of using Testex papers for measuring profiles? What is meant by the tenn grade. relating to a blast finish? What are the main factors governing the grade f a blast finish? Can the grade of a blast fmish be detennined by using the surface comparators to BS 7079 Pt C3? What profile range can be measured using X coarse Testex? What profile range can be measured using coarse grade Testex? What are the two theories of adhesion? Briefly describe the mechanisms of the two theories of adhesion. How many microns are in Ithou? Give three different names for the cross section of a blast. What is the approximate speed of abrasives leaving a venturi nozzle? What is the most common cause of flash rusting on a blasted substrate? What would be considered to be an ideal shot grit mix? What is the purpose of mixing shot and grit? Which abrasive would have the effect of work hardening a substrate? Name three methods of measuring or assessing a profile. What is the most common cause of rogue peaks on a substrate? In what situation would it be better to use steel grit in preference to copper slag abrasives? If cracks or laminations are found on a substrate after blasting what steps should be taken? Using comparators to ISO 8503, what are the three main profile assessments? What are the other two assessments when the above three are not appropriate? What would be size of copper slag needed to give a protile of 50 to 75 urn? 3. 2 copynght
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Silkwood Essay Example for Free
Silkwood Essay Silkwood took a big risk when she decided to blow the whistle on Kerr-McGee in 1946 for health and safety violations. Silkwood was concerned about her and her coworkers’ health and safety as she witnessed various health and safety violation acts that management ignored. Whistle blowing can be very dangerous for the one that is blowing the whistle as witnessed by the mysterious death of Karen Silkwood on the night of November 13th. Up until her job with Kerr – McGee, Silkwood lived a normal life and didn’t do anything in her life to make her stand out. It wasn’t until her investigation began, that Silkwood was starting to become more noticeable. According to friends that were close to her, Silkwood became more and more involved in the investigation and wouldn’t let the investigation go until all evidence and facts had been reported. However, Silkwood’s evidence and findings never did make it to the appropriate people due to the mysterious car crash that led to her death. Officers and scene investigators never did find the manila envelope containing the evidence, but Silkwood’s death brought to light the seriousness of the investigation and eventually, the closing of the Kerr-McGee Cimarron plant where Silkwood was last employed. While there are many rewards to whistle blowing, there are also many risks to whistle blowing as well. One of the rewards of whistle blowing is that the laws or acts being violated will be corrected by the correct regulation agencies. Whistleblowers are even able to submit a confidential report online through National Whistleblowers Center website where attorneys review the information and give advice on the best ways to proceed with the investigation. There are also information and additional resources available for those who are thinking about blowing the whistle on their company. A risk of whistleblowing on the company can lead to alienation between the whistleblower and their employer, boss, and co-workers. Some may fear retaliation if seen helping those gain evidence against the company or organization practicing unethical practices. They may also lose their job by blowing the whistle and family and friends may also be affected by the act as well because of their relationship to the whistleblower. As employees, it is our responsibility to protect the company or organization values while at the same time, also following our own moral values as well. Every company and organization has their own morals and values that they established, but if an employee witnesses or comes across evidence that does not uphold those values, than the employee has a responsibility to report those unethical practices. Employees also have their own person moral values that they usually use as standards when finding a company or organization to work for. When dealing with unethical practices, an employee bases their decision to report the company against their own personal moral values. It is than the employee’s responsibility to make that tough decision on reporting their company’s unethical practices and risking everything or leaving it up to someone else to make that decision. References Karen Silkwood. (2013). The Biography Channel website. Retrieved 05:47, Apr 28, 2013, from http://www. biography. com/people/karen-silkwood-9542402.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Definition Of Business Economics Commerce Essay
Definition Of Business Economics Commerce Essay Business economics, also called Managerial Economics as a field in applied economics uses economic theory and quantitative methods to analyze business enterprises and the factors contributing to the diversity of organizational structures and the relationships of organizations with labour, Capital ,land ,taxes international trade and product markets. Managerial Economics consists of that part of economic theory which helps the business manager to take decisions. Business involves decision-making. Decision making means the process of selecting one out of two or more alternative courses of action. Economic theories help to analyze the practical problems faced by business organizations. Business economics integrates economic theory with business practice. It is a special branch of economics that bridges the gap between economic theory and business management. It deals with the use of economic concepts and principles for decision making in a business unit. It is called Business Economics or Economics of the organizations. Every business is operated by some resources and these are limited . Business economics tells the techniques about how to utilize resources for maximum satisfaction . Both micro and macro economics tools are used in business economics . But micro economics are so related to business economics because for effective operating of business , micro economics helps to optimize demand , production and price and factor price theories. DEFINITION OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS In simple words, business economics is the discipline which helps a business manager in decision making for achieving the desired results. In other words, it deals with the application of economic theory to business management. According to Spencer and Siegelman, Business economics is the integration of economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision-making and forward planning by management. According to Mc Nair and Meriam, Business economics deals with the use of economic modes of thought to analyses business situation. From the above said definitions, we conclude the following objectives of business economics: 1) Explanation of nature and form of economic analysis 2) To apply economic concepts: and principles to solve business problems 3) Spell out the relationship between Managerial Economics and other disciplines outline the methodology of managerial economics. 4) To make overall development of a firm. 5) To minimize risk and uncertainty 6) To help in demand and sales forecasting. 7) To help in operation of firm by helping in planning, organizing, controlling etc. 8) To help in formulating business policies. 9) To help in profit maximization. NATURE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS Managerial Economics and Business economics are the two terms, which, at times have been used interchangeably. However, the term Managerial Economics has become more popular and seems to displace progressively the term Business Economics. Business economic seeks to establish rules which help business organizations attain their goals, which indeed is also the essence of the word normative. However, if the firms are to establish valid decision rules, they must thoroughly understand their environment. This requires the study of positive or descriptive theory. SCOPE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS : As regards the scope of business economics, no uniformity of views exists among various authors. However, the following aspects are said to generally fall under business economics. 1. Demand Analysis and Forecasting 2. Cost and production Analysis. 3. Pricing Decisions, policies and practices. 4. Profit Management. 5. Capital Management. 6. Inventory management 7. Linear programming and theory of games 8. Environmental issues 9. Business cycles These various aspects are also considered to be comprising the subject matter of business economic. Thus, managerial economics comprises both micro and macro-economic theories. The subject matter of managerial economics consists of all those economic concepts, theories and tools of analysis which can be used to analyze the business environment and to find out solution to practical business problems. CHARACTERISTICS OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS The following characteristics of business economics are: 1. Micro economics: Managerial economics is micro economic in character. This is so because it deals with the problems of an individual business unit. It does not study the problems of the entire economy. 2. Normative science: Managerial economics is a normative science. It is concerned with what management should do under particular circumstances. It determines the goals of the enterprise. Then it develops the ways to achieve these goals. 3. Pragmatic: Managerial economics is pragmatic. It concentrates on making economic theory more application oriented. It tries to solve the managerial problems in their day-today functioning. 4. Prescriptive: Managerial economics is prescriptive rather than descriptive. It describes solutions to various business problems. 5. Uses macro economics: Marco economics is also useful to business economics. Macro-economics provides an intelligent understanding of the environment in which the business operates. Managerial economics takes the help of macro-economics to understand the external conditions such as business cycle, national income, economic policies of Government etc. 6. Uses theory of firm: Managerial economics largely uses the body of economic concepts and principles towards solving the business problems. Managerial economics is a special branch of economics to bridge the gap between economic theory and managerial practice. 7. Management oriented: The main aim of managerial economics is to help the management in taking correct decisions and preparing plans and policies for future. Managerial economics analyses the problems and give solutions just as doctor tries to give relief to the patient. 8. Multi disciplinary: Managerial economics makes use of most modern tools of mathematics, statistics and operation research. In decision making and planning principles such accounting, finance, marketing, production and personnel etc. 9. Art and science.-Managerial economics is both a science and an art. As a science, it establishes relationship between cause and effect by collecting, classifying and analyzing the facts on the basis of certain principles. It points out to the objectives and also shows the way to attain the said objectives. SIGNIFICANCE OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS 1. Business economic is concerned with those aspects of traditional economics which are helpful for business decision making in real life. These are adapted or modified with a view to enable the manager take better decisions. 2. It also incorporates useful ideas from other disciplines such as Psychology, Sociology, Accounting. Statistics and Mathematics can be used to solve or at least throw some light upon the problems of business management. Business economics takes the help of other disciplines having a bearing on the business decisions in relation various explicit and implicit constraints subject to which resource allocation is to be optimized. 3. Business economics helps in reaching a variety of business decisions in a complicated environment. 4. Business economics makes a manager a more competent model builder. It helps him appreciate the essential relationship Characterizing a given situation. 5. At the level of the firm. Where its operations are conducted though known focus functional areas, such as finance, marketing, personnel and production, business economics serves as an integrating agent by coordinating the activities in these different areas. 6. Business economics takes cognizance of the interaction between the firm and society, and accomplishes the key role of an agent in achieving the its social and economic welfare goals. It has come to be realized that a business, apart from its obligations to shareholders, has certain social obligations. Business economics focuses attention on these social obligations as constraints subject to which business decisions are taken. It serves as an instrument in furthering the economic welfare of the society through socially oriented business decisions. USES OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS Business economics is useful because: 1) It provides tools and techniques for managerial decisions 2) It gives answers to the basic problems of business management. 3) It supplies data for analysis and forecasting. 4) It provides tools for demand forecasting and profit planning. 5) It guides the managerial economist. 6) It provides optimal Solution to Business Problems. 7) Business economics study is very helpful for effective utilization of business resources. It determines every factors price on supply and demand of such factor so, that the price becomes optimize by this supply and demand analysis. 8) Keynesian s general theory of employment tells us that full employment depends on investment and effective demand if both will increase after this employment can increase . Govt. takes steps for increasing investment in self employment schemes and try to help to sell the products after this full employment generated. Thus, Business economics offers a number of benefits to business managers. It is also useful to individuals, society and government. APPLICATIONS OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS IN MANAGEMENT The basic function of a management executive in a business organization is decision making and forward planning. Decision Making means the process of selecting one action from two or more alternative courses of action whereas forward planning means making plans for the future. The question of choice arises because resources such as capital, land, labor and management are limited and can be employed in alternative uses. The application of economics to business management or the integration of economic theory with business practice, as Spencer and Siegelman presents, the following aspects :- Reconciling traditional theoretical concepts of economics in relation to the actual business behavior and conditions. In economic theory, the technique of analysis is one of model building whereby certain assumptions are made and on that basis, conclusions as to the behavior of the firms are drowned. The assumptions, however, make the theory of the firm unrealistic since it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation of that what the firms actually do. Hence the need to reconcile the theoretical principles based on simplified assumptions with actual business practice and develops appropriate extensions and reformulation of economic theory, if necessary. Estimating economic relationships, viz., measurement of various types of elasticities of demand such as price elasticity, income elasticity, cross-elasticity, promotional elasticity, cost-output relationships, etc. The estimates of these economic relationships are to be used for purposes of forecasting. Predicting relevant economic quantities, eg., profit, demand, production, costs, pricing, capital, etc., in numerical terms together with their probabilities. As the business manager has to work in an environment of uncertainty, future is to be predicted so that in the light of the predicted estimates, decision making and forward planning may be possible. Using economic quantities in decision making and forward planning, that is, formulating business policies and, on that basis, establishing business plans for the future pertaining to profit, prices, costs, capital, etc. The nature of economic forecasting is such that it indicates the degree of probability of various possible outcomes, i.e. losses or gains as a result of following each one of the strategies available. Hence, before a business manager there exists a quantified picture indicating the number of courses open, their possible outcomes and the quantified probability of each outcome. Keeping this picture in view, he decides about the strategy to be chosen. Understanding significant external forces constituting the environment in which the business is operating and to which it must adjust, e.g., business cycles, fluctuations in national income and government policies pertaining to public finance, fiscal policy and taxation, international economics and foreign trade, monetary economics, labor relations, anti-monopoly measures, industrial licensing, price controls, etc. The business manager has to appraise the relevance and impact of these external forces in relation to the particular business unit and its business policies. CONCLUSION In business organizations and firms business economics plays a very important role .The usefulness of business economics lies in adopting the tools from economic theory, incorporating relevant ideas from other fields to take better business decisions. business economics serve as a catalytic agent in the process of decision making by different functional departments at the firmà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s level. For the organizations appropriate direction one should follow the rules of business economics. which will be helpful in organizations success.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Sung Ohm, Instructor :: Essays Papers
Sung Ohm, Instructor Purpose The documented researched essay allows you to understand the fundamentals of an academic conversation. In many respects, this essay is your entry into the conventions, methods, and rhetoric of an academic dialog. Participating in this conversation means that you will have to look carefully at the various positions academics and other experts take on a particular subject matterâ€â€especially when they differ from your own. You will need to negotiate and analyze the various arguments and eventually formulate your own stance. However, this must be a critically and ethically informed positionâ€â€one that is substantiated by credible evidence. In order to successfully determine what a credible position is, you will need to rely on your rhetorical analysis skills. Not only will you analyze your sources ethos, pathos, and logos, but you will also analyze the persuasive nature of your own paper. You will need to make logically sound argumentsâ€â€one that speaks to others who ar e in the same academic conversation and that seeks to persuade them responsibly. Research is essential in academics. A well-researched paper creates new knowledgeâ€â€one of the basic premises of a university such as ours. A well-constructed and well-researched essay reveals that the writer has become an authority on a particular topic. To become an authority, you will determine and rely on the experts in the field so your readers can see that you have a well-informed and critical perspective. The Assignment For this assignment, you will research an issue that we have discussed in class. You will write and rewrite an out-of-class essay that uses your research to develop an argument on your topic. To help you research this essay, you will be required to write a short research proposal that draws upon your readings in this and other courses and an annotated bibliography. Proposal: The proposal is a way for you to begin the research process as well as a way for you to articulate your own interests in this project. In other words, the proposal allows you to create or negotiate the assignment according to your own interests. You may want to begin by asking critical questions that may lead you to refine your topic even more. Remember this essay is relatively short for a research paper so a more focused topic will serve you better. I strongly encourage you to ask questions rather than state a position at this point.
Charmin Toilet Paper Ad -- Advertisement, Ads, Advertising
Advertisements are one of many things that Americans cannot get away from. Every American sees an average of 3,000 advertisements a day; whether it’s on the television, radio, while surfing the internet, or while driving around town. Advertisements try to get consumers to buy their products by getting their attention. Most advertisements don’t have anything to do with the product itself. Every company has a different way of getting the public’s attention, but every advertisement has the same goal - to sell the product. Every advertisement tries to appeal to the audience by using ethos, pathos, and logos, while also focusing on who their audience is and the purpose of the ad. An example of this is a Charmin commercial where there is a bear who gets excited when he gets to use the toilet paper because it is so soft. In this Charmin commercial, the author is the Charmin Company. The bears are used as the speakers for Charmin. They are cute, lovable, and are appealing to most people. They were not always in the Charmin commercials however. The first Charmin bear was introduced in 2001, and then the cubs the following year. They were a big hit with the public so the company continues to use them as the mascots/speakers for Charmin toilet paper. The bears are a big help in selling the product. The audience of the Charmin commercials is every human being that watches television. This product, toilet paper, is something that everyone, no matter where they live, needs to use in everyday life. It is a product that will always be bought by people but there are many different companies in the toilet paper industry. The main audience is for those that do not use Charmin already, but... ... author, or speaker does not use any facts or logic in the commercial. Every advertisement has different ways of getting the audience’s attention. Advertisements mostly use the three appeals, but different forms of showing them off. In this commercial ethos and pathos is used to get to the consumers. Charmin is the greatest toilet paper and everybody should use it, that is the message they are trying to get across. It may be true to some people, but the overall population most likely does not use Charmin but another brand of toilet paper that is cheaper. I do not think that this commercial is that effective because I, along with many other people, just use whatever kind of toilet paper there is; the brand does not matter. In other countries there are other brands that are said to be the number one brand of toilet paper; it is different everywhere.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
We Must Educate the Children of Illegal Immigrants Essay example -- Cr
Immigration laws have been a subject of debate throughout American history, especially in states such as California and Texas, where immigrant populations are high. Recently, some citizens have been questioning whether we should continue to educate the children of illegal immigrants. While this issue is steeped in emotional controversy, we must not allow divisive "us against them" rhetoric to cloud our thinking. Yes, educating undocumented immigrants costs us, but not educating them would cost us much more. Those who propose barring the children of illegal immigrants from our schools have understandable worries. They worry that their state taxes will rise as undocumented children crowd their school systems. They worry about the crowding itself, given the loss of quality education that comes with large class sizes. They worry that school resources will be deflected from their children because of the linguistic and social problems that many of the newcomers face. And finally, they worry that even more illegal immigrants will cross our borders because of the lure of free education. This last worry is probably unfounded. It is unlikely that many parents are crossing the borders solely to educate their children. More likely, they are in desperate need of work, economic opportunity, and possibly political asylum. As Charles Wheeler of the National Immigration Law Center asserts, "There is no evidence that access to federal programs acts as a magnet to foreigners or that further restrictions would discourage illegal immigrants" (qtd. in "Exploiting"). The other concerns are more legitimate, but they can be addressed by less drastic measures than barring children from schools. Currently the responsibility o... in school, we can make sure they are inoculated properly, and we can teach them the facts about health and disease. Do we really want thousands of uneducated children growing up on the streets, where we have little control over them? Surely not. The lure of the streets is powerful enough already. Only by inviting all children into safe and nurturing and intellectually engaging schools can we combat that power. Our efforts will be well worth the cost. Works Cited Edmondson, Brad. "Life without Illegal Immigrants." American Demographics May 1996: 1. "Exploiting Fears." Admissions Decisions: Should Immigration Be Restricted? 7 Oct. 1996. Public Agenda. 10 Feb. 1999. McCarthy, Martha M. "Immigrants in Public Schools: Legal Issues." Educational Horizons 71 (1993): 128-30.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Fashion Merchandising
Fashion merchandising is where fashion and business meet. Fashion merchandising involves marketing fashions to various retail stores, boutiques and wholesalers. The mission of a fashion merchandiser includes connecting different fashions to consumers and anticipating what your clients will be interested in. Fashion merchandising doesn't center on fashion alone; it entails a keen business sense and knowledge of assorted marketing strategies and techniques. Fashion merchandisers are customer-oriented and inspire their customers through the presentation of clothes.Fashion management involves the promotion of fashion and evoking interest in new styles and products. Fashion merchandisers study trends, research the marketplace for merchandise sources, make buys, adjust price-points and display stock within their shopping venues. They must be aware of past season's sales performances, predicted trends, consumer demand and visual marketing techniques. Their success is measured seasonally by a ratio of hot-selling items to clearance goods, the length of time that merchandise takes to clear and eventual final markdown prices.Career paths within merchandising are many and diverse. erything that the fashion industry has to offer. Take a look at the job description of a fashion merchandiser, and the employment outlook for this field. Ads by Google Fashion Design Course  Top Fashion Design College in India Full Time International Faculty. www. rmihyd. com/Call:04023567888 Fashion merchandising is an interesting career option for those of you who are interested not only in fashion design, but also the business activities involved in this field. You should know that simply a passion for fashion is not enough to pursue this as a career.You have to be passionate about what you do, and there is a lot of action involved in the business front. Simply put, the fashion industry is not as glamorous as it appears, and in careers such as fashion merchandising, the glamor is extremel y low, and the hard work involved, equally high. What does this job entail? Let's take a look. Job Description The prime job of a fashion merchandiser is to bring together all areas of the fashion biz and manage it. The main roles involved are those of designing, development of new and unique products, production, and creating and developing sales and marketing plans.While these are the broad roles, some fashion merchandisers have specific roles pertaining to one particular area. In detail, the following are the key roles played by fashion merchandisers. Attending various fashion shows to pick up the latest in style and utilizing this knowledge in the development of new products. Analyzing and predicting trends and fashion clothing styles, and collaborating with fashion designers to create and introduce new and unique products in the fashion industry. Working with suppliers to strike cost-effective deals for production.Developing marketing strategies that will enhance overall sales. Working in close contact with other professionals in the fashion industry. Managing the retail store by designing the store layout and engaging in visual merchandising (enhancing sales through store displays). Working in close contact with the media, by utilizing photography, magazine publications, and other such techniques to promote new products and the store. Analyzing fashion trends to develop products to cater to a target or niche market.As you can see, designing is only one aspect of fashion merchandising, and there is a lot more involved in this career field. All these skills will be taught to you during your course. However, these skills really be developed and honed only when on the job. A school cannot prepare you for real life situations and issues that you may have to face on the job. However, it will give you a strong knowledge base to be able to analyze and effectively deal with the situation. Read more at Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/fashion-merchandis ing. html
Friday, August 16, 2019
How has Chinese FP change since Moa and how important are economics? Essay
Throughout History, China and her foreign policy has been the focus of much controversy and debate in the fields of History and International Relations. The size, geographical position, culture and politics of China make it, and have made it one of the most important actors in regional and international affairs. The aims and nature of Chinese foreign policy have been through a number of important changes in the twentieth century. This essay will examine the principles of Chinese Foreign Policy after the death of leader Mao Tse Tung and will discuss the importance economics has on the formulation of post Mao foreign Policy. This essay will first discuss the principle aims and practises of Chinese foreign policy under Mao as a basis to compare the post Mao characteristics. The essay will then examine the major aspects of China’s foreign policy that occurred during and after Mao’s leadership in terms of the relations with the west, relations with the Soviet bloc, relations with third world revolutionary groups and the so called opposition to hegemonism. Through studying these factors the essay will examine the importance of economic factors in china’s foreign policy since Mao. As an example of how China works in the international system the essay will discuss the relations modern China has with its major neighbours in terms of military, political and, importantly, economic factors. In a discussion of post Mao Chinese foreign policy it is important to understand the foreign policy during the leadership of Mao Tse Tung. It is first important to note that Mao’s handling of Chinese foreign policy was not a single phase in itself and did not follow a single characteristic and it is also important to note that many principles of current Sino-foreign relations stem back to Mao. In 1949 after decades of civil war and political unrest the Chinese Communist party founded the â€Å"Peoples Republic of China†. Mao Tse Tung, the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party was now the political leader of over a billion Chinese people. Under Mao major social and internal changes were undertaken alongside a noticeable change in the relations with outsiders. The first major change was the five-year plan, between 1952 and 1957, during these years China opened up to a foreign state, the Soviet Union, in a way never before seen in China (1, pp47). This can be analysed as part of Mao’s â€Å"let foreign things serve China†(1,pp47) attitude, an attitude that, if vague, encouraged the Chinese to make a distinction between the damaging and the helpful elements of foreign influences. This period also saw Mao introducing the five principles of peaceful coexistence, principles that, at least publicly would become the backbone to the overt actions of China’s foreign relations. These principles, suggested by premier Zhou Enlai, claim to base China relations on mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence (8). The validity of these principles is obviously in question and it would seem that many could be described as being contradictory to China’s practice of foreign policy especially during the Cold War. China’s threatening stance over Taiwan, the invasion of Tibet and support for North Korea during the Korean war during this period can be argued to contradict the claims made by the five principles. China’s relations with the two major cold war super-powers were often pivotal in Chinese decision-making under Mao. It seemed that during the early cold war years, China began to emerge from her self-imposed exile as it opened up to the Soviet Union. The later Maoist era however also saw a turn away from Soviet domination during the early to mid sixties partly due to what the Chinese often refer to as â€Å"Soviet Chauvinism†(6,Liu Huaqiu article) and an approach to what can be called the â€Å"Period of Cooperation†(2,pp280) with America. One of China’s major advantages during the Cold War was the ability to choose between the two super-powers of the era. The build up of both Chinese and soviet troops on the border â€Å"(6, Liu Huaqiu article), the general rise in tensions between the two powers over the interference of Soviet facilitators helping develop Chinese industry may have contributed to Mao’s movement, politically, toward the US. US-Sino relations were obviously damaged due to the involvement of Chinese â€Å"volunteers†in the Korean War. The first stepping-stone in this new cooperation and the smoothing of post Korea relations was the famous Shanghai Communiquà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ of 1971-2 (2,pp280) involving American a visit to the Peoples Republic of China by President Richard Nixon and a meeting with Chairman Mao. It is difficult to examine in detail the complex elements of Mao’s foreign policy in the limited space this essay allows. However, it is important not to lay to much focus on China’s relations with the two super powers. Other elements lay at the heart of Mao’s foreign policies, elements that also changed through his years of leadership. His economic policy, originally based on the Marxist/Soviet principles of state controlled commerce began to reform, at least in the final Mao years, towards a more free market based economy. Political ties two Marxist revolutionary groups in third world countries also played a major role in Mao’s foreign policy making. Mao, not believing in a two-bloc world or a one bloc revolution, made major contributions to numerous third world Marxist revolutionaries as part of what Mao saw, at least publicly, as a way of achieving global revolution through the global working class (1 pp94-95). On a more power political level it could be argued that if these revolutions were successful China could develop allies in important places. Korea is an example of Marxist revolution supported by the Chinese in a strategically important country (7). Mao’s foreign policy cannot be described in a single word. His unstable relations with the US and USSR, the changes he made in the economy make understanding the drive behind Mao’s foreign policy challenging. It can be argued that the erratic foreign policy of Mao was a symptom of the erratic domestic, the failing Cultural Revolution and the great leap forward may have forced Mao to change policy. The importance of understanding the legacy Mao left at his death to future Chinese administrations is not to be underestimated when studying post Mao foreign policy. Despite the major changes in the nature of Chinese foreign policy Mao’s legacy and influence has in no way been ignored and it is important to first examine the affect of Mao’s policies on China’s foreign policy after his death. The public face of Chinese foreign policy still emphasise Mao’s so called â€Å"Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence†as being the centre of its actions (6). Despite continued evidence of China’s ignorance of the policy the public face of China on the international scene will often claim to be following these principles. Mao also initiated the cooperation with the United States that has, even if the relationship has sometimes been strained, continued as a major party of Chinese foreign relations. Mao also influenced the Chinese continued stance of vigilance towards the other cold war super power the USSR (3, pp201). Despite the changes that this essay shall now analyse the examples given suggest that Mao’s i nfluence was not forgotten in the formulation of cold war and modern foreign policy. In discussing post Mao foreign policy it is important to understand the importance of economic development in the new era of western cooperation. Economic development also gives an interesting starting point to the discussion of the importance of economics in Chinese Foreign Policy after Mao. There were many major attempts to both open and develop china economically by the new more moderate post Mao regime. The â€Å"Open Door†policy initiated by Mao was, after his death, intensified and relations with the West and especially the US carried out through businessmen now allowed into the once anti-capitalist environment (1,pp125). This new openness also coincided with internal economic reform. In 1978, the new chairman, Deng Xiaoping, introduced the â€Å"Four Modernisations†, a way of developing the country through modernising elements of agriculture, industry, national defence and science and technology as part of a ten-year plan. Deng also began the introduction and proliferation of China’s free enterprise economy (9). These economic development changes had a radical effect on China’s foreign policy. No longer an isolated communist country China began to move toward an economy base and even reliant on western capitalist systems (9,2,). This can be seen as evidence for the view that China’s economic health was gradually being placed at the forefront of her foreign policy and her position in the international system. China’s relations with the Western and economically developed nations, especially the US and Japan provides interesting perspective when analysing the changes nature of china’s foreign policy after Mao. As previously discussed the â€Å"Open Door†policy played a major role in the development of improved, or at least cooperative relations with the western world. One of the major characteristics of post Mao foreign policy was the continued hatred of the USSR and, as previously noted, the move toward the US as its main source of political and economic support. Towards the end of the 1970s the US even quietly aided China militarily against the soviets. During this period the military support was covert and originally involved eaves dropping equipment for intelligence gathering. However the military support became more public as the USSR’s war in Afghanistan began to escalate with America aiding the Chinese with no lethal and logistical support for defence aga inst possible Soviet attacks (2, pp 202). This military cooperation was could be used as evidence for suggesting the idea that the view â€Å"my enemies enemy is my friend†was the basis of Sino-US relations. However, evidence suggests that economics could be described as being at the centre of China’s relations with the developed world. As the cold war dragged on china began to turn more and more to the west for infrastructure development purchasing Nuclear reactors and factories. The new relationship with he west was not only beneficial to China, oil companies, such as BP and EXXON, were able to mine China’s oil reserves (2,pp203). This new economically charged relationship continued through out the later years of the cold war. Despite some obvious stumbling blocks, such as Tiananmen Square, the relationship with the west has, at least privately, flourished even if publicly western leader denounce China’s political system (6,7). China’s relationship with the west was not, as was originally expected (1, pp237-247), significantly changed by the ending of the Cold War. Despite some further stumbling blocks and diplomatic incidents, such as the collision of a US spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet in April 2001, and the continuation of sanctions China has become more and more reliant on the US. Ignoring its claims of opposing hegemonism China’s economic reliance on the western powers looks set to intensify. A way of simplifying the Chinese relation to the west could be done through describing it as a publicly strained and privately flourishing especially in the light of the events of September 11th. One of the major political changes in the post Mao era is the changing nature of China’s relations with the Third World. Under Mao, China often saw the third world as its main source of economic and political support and also considered the third world as being china’s main allies in combating US and Soviet attempts at hegemonism (1,pp234), (6). Mao, who considered China to be a leader of the third world and, as previously stated, also saw the third world as the backbone to a world revolution. After the death of Mao China’s political and economic support began to move from the third world to the US and Western Europe. There major change in the relations with the third world was the removal of support for Marxist revolutionaries and a turn away from the world revolutionary principles of Mao. However, the perceived importance of the third world was not completely from foreign policy decision makers. The third world, in the eyes of the Chinese, was considered to be the priority target for the USSR to spread the Soviet â€Å"hegemony†(1,pp234-236)(5,pp181-183)(6). This could be the reason behind China attempts to remove soviet influence from third world neighbours. The successful invasion of the third world country Cambodia (1978) and the unsuccessful invasion of Vietnam (1979) could be analysed as examples of these Chinese attempts to remove soviet influence. China’s involvement with the third world began to take a new form in the late eighties and toward the end of the cold war. Diplomatic ties with Africa especially were rebooted. Many argue that this was due to the sanctions imposed by the west in reaction to the Tiananmen massacre in 1989 (5,pp183). Despite China’s declination to join major third world organisations, China has joined with numerous third world countries such as Singapore to create a third world â€Å"immunity†from super power influence and supports the proposal of a â€Å"New Economic Order†developed by other third world states (5,pp183). So as far as China’s relations with third world nations can be analysed they have gone through a major change since Mao’s death and seem to be, not surprisingly, rooted in economic necessity rather than ideological or political will. To conclude this essay there is considerable evidence to suggest that Mao’s death, in September 1976, had a dramatic affect on China’s domestic situation and an even more important affect on China’s relations with the International System and the her foreign policy decision making. China’s foreign policy has, since Mao, been more and more influenced by economic factors. It is arguably possible to connect most major aspects of change since Mao to the Chinese government’s will to economically develop the country with political and ideological aspects such as the global revolution, military security and opposition hegemonism being placed either at a lower priority or interlinked with Economic Foreign Policy. Even if not directly economic it could easily be argued that most changes have at least an indirect affect on the economic growth of China and that these changes have been done for the China’s economic security. As china moves into the 21st century it appears that on a political level the regime has begun, especially since the September 11th terrorist attacks on America, to move toward a more interdependent relationship with the west. It seems apparent however that the soothing of relations with western power, despite the political and moralist claim, will be, as before, based more on the economic well being of China. Bibliography 1: M. Yahunda, China’s Foreign Policy after Mao, Macmillan, 1983, Hong Kong 2: J. B. Starr, Understanding China (2nd Edition), Profile Books, 2001, US 3: E. E. Moise, Modern China (2nd edition), Longman, 1994, UK 4: T. Siach, Government and politics of China, Plagrave, 2001, New York US 5: Chien-Min Chao, B.J. Dickson, Remaking the Chinese State, Rutledge, 2001, London (UK) 6: Chinese Embassy Web site: 7: Chinese Foreign Policy, Article 8: Principles of Chinese Foreign Policy 9: After Mao and Through the 1980s, May 9, 2000
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Learning Theology Essay
In Learning Theology with the Church Fathers, Christopher Hall discusses the doctrinal beliefs of the early Christian leaders while Christianity was in its fledgling state of development. Much of what is discussed by Hill in his book is the standard for what the beliefs on the subject will be throughout the church’s history. The topics in Hill’s book are important because the church father’s findings concern these issues establishes the church’s beliefs on these doctrinal topics. Hill’s approach in his book is to take a subject that was highly contested in the life of the early church and follow one or two of the major leading authorities on the subject from the time period. A benefit to looking at the topic this way shows what the prominent thinking of the day was and if it still relates to Christians today. The first major theme that the book addresses is to describe the attributes of God. Hill looks at the various aspects of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Within discussing the parts of the Holy Trinity, Hill shows the various thinking the early church had concerning the three, what each of their roles are, and discusses how each of the three had equality together without either being subordinate to another. The second theme addressed by Hill is that of God’s interaction with humans. Hill explains the teachings concerning man’s sin and how the church fathers understood God’s forgiveness toward man. Hill also speaks of man as being instilled with God’s goodness. Man’s natural instinct is not bent on doing what is inherently good, but it is within God’s instilled grace that God’s best for man is placed within himself (Hill, 130). Hill also writes in discussion of God’s providence to man as being loving, transcendent and wise. The third theme Hill discusses are those things that are directly relatable to Christians in their relations with God. These things consist of the Christian’s relation to the scriptures, the apostolic founded church, and a Christian’s resurrected body and eternal life. Hill also discusses the early church father’s apologetics to the scripture’s authority and how the scriptures were His perfect gift given through His perfect knowledge (Hill, 209). Hill also discusses the differing roles of the church and what the members communal roles are and the differing thoughts on discipline. One of the most important topics discussed by Hill is that of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit. The discussion that was taking place during the fourth century was what is the Holy Spirit and what role does it play in the character of God? Many believed that the three persons of God were not triumvirate but actually three different Gods making Christianity polytheistic. Basil the Great’s writings on the subject is the focal point of Hill’s discussion. Basil’s writings addressed the variable confusions that surrounded the Holy Spirit. The topics Hill highlights from Basil is that of the Holy Spirits equality with the Father and the Son. One point that Hill singles out which gives credence to a Holy Trinity is that the argument for differing levels of power in the Holy Trinity is not arguable. Hill contends that people cannot comprehend the relationship between the three because they all three transient time and age, thus making it impossible for man to give rank to one over another (Hill, 105). This is rational argument because if something transcends time and age, does another being transcend time and space more? To have this distinction is not a more or less argument but a yes or no argument in defining a deity’s self to which Hill discusses well. Another positive from Hill’s book is the explanation of the Holy Spirit and the description of the divine community that is the Holy Trinity. If the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not three different gods, what is the purpose of their being three separate beings? Hill examines this by giving each of the three different roles in the actions of the world. Hill defines the Father as the creator, the Son and the initiator, and the Holy Spirit as the perfecter (Hill, 115). This understanding of the Holy Trinity shows how the three are not separate but how each are one with different roles in dealing with man. Hill also explains that neither entity usurps the other’s tasks, but remain separated in their roles showing that neither is superior to the other entities. This is a useful distinction because it helps understand the functioning of the Holy Trinity and how it relates to man. When those tasks are known man has a better appreciation for each part of the Holy Trinity and honor can be given to the each part of the deity including the Holy Spirit (Hill, 118). The theme of man’s relation to God is another well outlined discussion. Hill addresses the subject of man’s sins in a way that explains how it was problematic for the church fathers. Following the writing of Irenaeus, Hill discusses the issue of man’s goodness. The discussion during the time of Irenaeus was whether man was naturally good or was goodness implanted in man by God? Hill’s conclusion eventually is man’s sin nature is prevalent before his conversion and after his conversion God bestows a sense of goodness through His love in man. God’s redemptive spirit is given to man and reflected through the actions of man (Hill, 130). Hill’s explanation that the church fathers did not think man naturally good is logical because if man is naturally good then their is no purpose for salvation. Yet while it is said human nature is without good, man is still given a choice and sometimes makes the moral decision. A limited amount of time was given to explain how God allows man to make his own choices. Hill says that God gives the choice to man to decide but does not fully expound on why man sometimes goes against his nature to make moral decisions. In all, Hill does a good job on explaining the church father’s thinking concerning the formation of early church doctrine. His description of their writings helps the reader understand the issues that spurred their theology and the content of their messages. Learning Theology with the Church Fathers gives an good summation of how Christian beliefs came to formation and who the writers were that God used to frame early Christianity’s doctrine. Bibliography Hill, Christopher. Learning Theology with the Church Fathers. Downers Grove: IVP Academy, 2002.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Hubspot Case Essay
The problem in this case is that Hubspot needed to make a transition from its initial start-up structure (organizational structure, target customers and pricing strategy) in order grow, and the dilemma was how to best approach this change. Hubspot faced three main issues for this: a) identify target customers, b) modify their pricing model and c) how to develop the growth strategy. Hubspot was good at building a community, e.g. over 300000 unique visitor in 2008, and thousands of freeware subscriptions in 2009. Nonetheless they had a diverse universe of customers, from small business owners (Ollies) to marketing professionals (Marys), different type of business ranging B2B or B2C, and size (over or under 25 employees). Table C shows there was a potential market evenly distributed among B2B and B2C. For Hubsport, the decision to identify a target customer was difficult. This is seen when contrasting exhibits 6 where 73% of customers were Ollies and exhibit 5 which indicated that Marys accounted for 68% of new customers from Sep-Dec 2008. Although the B2B customers were important for Ollies and Marys, there was an interesting growth of Marys in B2C. Thus a segmentation of customer was required to better assess their different needs. At the end of 2008, Hubspots’s products responded to the main two customers (Ollies and Marys), still its pricing model was similar for both, where Marys paid a slightly higher monthly amount as its software package included more features (exhibit 7). This was something Hubspot needed to analyze as Ollie and Marys had various pros and cons as customers. Ollies represented a lower cost to acquire ($1000) and where quick to sign in, but cancel subscription early, while Marys cost more to acquire ($5000) and took longer to sign in, by stayed for longer using the product. Assuming no churn rate an Ollie had to maintain subscription for 2 months and Marys had to maintain subscription for 9 months, to pay off their acquiring cost. The previous scenario meant that HubSpot’s 2008 projections including the 100 paying customers from 2007 made the current pricing model not viable to support the high cost of Marys (see appendix 1). Another issued faced was the Hubsport was still a small company, seen in that it only had few engineers to build the software therefore it was hard to catch up with the sales team. Thus the product vs customer vs pricing situation presented an optimization and planning issue to keep the company growing. The previous two points require a growth strategy. At the same time it made the owners question their vision, i.e. to inbound or outbound. The strategy for growth had to clarify which customer to target, how to roll-out the respective products, whether to keep it a SaaS, and the transition into a new pricing structure to maintain current customer and capture more value from new ones. The objective of our proposed solutions is to keep Hubspot as the software-to-have for inbound marketing and grow financially from a start-up to an established business. For this we set out the following actions: Hubspot’s culture and vision should be maintained. Web 2.0 is continuing evolving as more businesses are using the various channels and HubSpot can differentiate itself as the inbound marketing which weighs more than outbound marketing (inbound represents 37% marketing budget while outbound 30%). HubSpot has the expertise to create traffic and analyze and qualify leads filling the respective demand of Ollies and Marys. At the same time we differentiate from our two main competitors by proving a lower price (Eloqua is more expensive) and focusing on inbound marketing (Marketo is a mix of inbound and outbound). Our conclusions are founded by overlaying HubSpot’s competitive field (exhibit 3) with customers’ needs a) traffic creation and b) leads analysis and qualifications, in line with HubSpot’s main strengths, as seen in appendix 2. Thus the company should not consider outbound as an alternative. As showed in appendix 4, our two segmented customers have showed different needs in terms of product features and consumption behavior. Based on the current churn out rate, we can estimate consumer lifetime value of Ollies is $4,750 and Marys $10,500 (see calculation in appendix 3). Therefore, according to our segmentation strategy, we propose following product bundles by differentiating product price and product features: 1) Product pricing: As Ollies have a shorter customer life and less marketing budget, we suggest keeping current up-front fee and a lower monthly fee. As suggestion, up-front $500 and monthly fee in the range of $150 to $250. As Marys have a longer customer life and lower price sensitivity we suggest increasing both up-front and monthly fee. As suggestion up-front $600 and monthly fee in the range of $600 to $750. Meanwhile, Marys are interested in deeper analytics, we suggest additional fee for each service of deeper analytics. As CMS system helps lower churn rate, we suggest initial fee of $300 covering 6 hours consulting to encourage both of them to use such service. 2) Product features: As Ollies prefer quick and simple solutions, we suggest tailor-made product focusing on generating leads. As Marys have a high demand of analytics, we suggest tailor-made product with more sophisticated tools to meet the needs of deeper analytics. As frequent log-in helps lower churn rate, we suggest to provide service update on a regular basis to encourage a continuous use of our service. After clearly identifying the segmentation of consumer and differentiation of products, we need ensure market-centered organizations that are capable of translating strategy into actions: 1) Engineering: To invest on product development and innovation to continuously provide with relevant service to enhance our competitive advantage of generating leads as well as analytics . 2) Sales force: To divide sales force to separately serve Maryer & Ollies by providing Maryer with long-term, more sophisticated support, providing Ollies with quick & simple service. 3) Marketing: To continue make a buzz for inbound marketing to create inbound marketing community rather than a simple business Finally the strategy has to be sensitive to our current customers, Appendix 5 indicates a tentative layout of the plan. Starting with the internal reorganization, then gradually change the product offering for consumers.
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